I...don't know how to feel

Mar 22, 2012 03:05

I'm playing ME3 using a save I downloaded from masseffectsaves.com just so I could try playing a game that is different than my usual (paragon Shepard, destroyed the Base, saved Kaidan, everyone lived, etc. etc.) . In this particular playthrough, Jack is dead. :( Ashley is also alive in this one, which means... *cries more*

Anyways, I've just been doing the Grissom Academy mission. I had assumed that with Jack being...unavailable for being a teacher, another generic teacher would have taken her place. Imagine my surprise when poor, traumatized Prangley was the one leading the attack. I got some really heart-wrenching scenes with him and Rodriguez right after I reached them. Decided to restart the mission so I could record this for posterity. Prangley and Rodriguez, I just want to hug you and tell you everything is going to be okay. :(

It still amazes me how much BioWare got right in this game but went so badly, badly wrong with the ending. Cripes.

On the other hand, the Shepard VI for a renegade? Is hilarious.

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