its released, free, open, ....unforgivable (for now)

Apr 06, 2005 01:35

its my parents fault for staying up so late. i cant go to sleep unless ive had 2 hours of darkness to myself.

WastedYouthKrew1: lord doesnt pay any attention to us does he/she?
celestial1515: nope. never does.
WastedYouthKrew1: one will never know the answer to these questions of raised doubts but...
WastedYouthKrew1: ill see you in heaven celeste
celestial1515: ill be in hell thanks:)

ive played the same cd three times
but im still turning it up louder.

and late nights and not sleeping makes everyone a better person. plus a few other things and i live.
we dont stay in contact. and i like that a lot. ive finally found the old pictures ive spent an hour and a half searching for. they probably arent worth it. and i dont mind at all.

wait.wait..... fuck it they are worth everything.
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