Mar 18, 2011 15:32
I haven't posted on here in ages, mostly because my RL is a drag right now and until recently, Bones hasn't been squee-worthy (although last night's epi was omg awesome!). Excuses, excuses. I'm still alive and occasionally lurking on LJ, in case anyone was wondering. I will eventually get around to making a real post, but the reason I'm delurking now is because I got a Kindle last night (woo hooooo!) and I recall hearing a rumor that you can read fic on one. I haven't read/written any fic in eons, but maybe if I can read it on my Kindle, I'll get around to reading some of what y'all have posted. So any tips, advice, and general Kindle goodness that you guys have would be greatly appreciated.
lurky lurkerson,