Another one...

Jan 03, 2010 15:38

1. Best lolita fashion advice you've ever received?
Hmm. I've never really received any lolita fashion advice.

2. Style icons?
dolls? That sounds funny... People on D_L are very inspiring too!

3. Describe your personal style.
Mostly kuro and goth lolita. I like a lot of different styles, though. Especially Ero and sailor styles.

4. Favorite designers/brands?
Baby and Meta

5. Most cherished items?
Uhm... I dunno... My blue tierd Meta skirt It quite easy to coordinate.

6. Most used item?
Meta skirt and offbrand black OP

7. I feel best wearing?
Full on Lolita petticoat poofed and ready to roll.

8. The first thing I look for in another lolita's outfit...
Overall style and aesthetic. And how it fits.

9. I never break this lolita fashion rule., I think I've broken a few ... but I don't go around calling it lolita.

10. Never caught wearing?

11. Dress to impress who?
Myself, mostly.

12. Your next "must have" purchase?
I'd really fancy more baby and Meta stuff.

13. Favorite type of head accessory?
Cute hats, old fashioned head accessories, tricorns, odd things.

14. Favorite cut of clothing (shirring, high waist, princess seams etc)?
Hmm, princess seams are pretty flattering usually, and corset lacing.

15. Current obsession?
Ribbon cage skirts and Corsets.

16. Best lolita fashion advice you can give to anyone?
Be practical. Don't try and "lolify" everything. Shit like that won't fly at work or school or whatever. I don't imagine climbing ladders in RHS and a cupcake petti would be a good idea.  ever. 

lolita, meme, i want more lolita...., late

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