Welcome 2011! Oh how ready excited I am for all the good things you have in store for me =) To celebrate the new year we all went to my friends house to celebrate his birthday / New Years. Talk about starting the way you mean to go on! It was a brilliant night but man I'm tired today! After the party I stayed at Chris's house and today we went out with my family to celebrate my Grandma's birthday. Here are some pictures from last night;
Singing the birthday song =)
Watching the clock for the countdown....
Fireworks in London ♥
How did you bring in the new year? I love hearing how different peoples celebrations were =)
As I said, today we went to The Stables for lunch with my parents, my aunt & uncle, one of my cousins and my Grandma - the birthday girl! I had slow roast belly pork, as did Chris. It was delicious! Think it will be an early night for me tonight! x