Delirious dreams!

May 20, 2010 10:09

Morning all! Hope you all had a good night's sleep last night =) I feel really tired today, my brain was working over time during the night to produce some wierd and wonderful dreams!! I thought I'd share them with you!


Dream 1
I was in this HUGE mansion, which I think had been turned into a museum. I knew it was haunted so was a bit scared and on the look out for ghosts! I was with my parents, and we went into this great hall where a circus ring master came out with about 5 minature horses! They put on a little show and then we were allowed to pet them. The ring master said I could ride one, but I told him I'd feel bad coz they were too small haha!

 So then he sent them away and these other horses came out, which were twice the size or normal horses! They put a step ladder on the side, and I climbed up and hoisted myself into the stirrups and the latter slipped away!! Everyone gasped, but I managed to haul myself up and into the saddle. phew! So I was walking around on this giant horse and everyone was asking me how long I'd been riding and telling me how good I was! =D Next thing I know Im back on the ground and walking out of the hall (which is now animal free) and into a side room, which is so dark at the far end it's black! (This was where I imagined ghosts whould show up if there were any!) I ran to the end and hid behing this big old church pew and realised, if you were quiet, this was the perfect hiding spot! My parents and I went back to the end of the corridor where there was a stone window (no glass) and saw a family walking in looking all touristy. I suggested we throw something at them to spook them, so we did, and the 3 of us ran and just got behing the pew and into the dark before the family came round. Then I woke up.

Now to remind you, I am 23 and my parents are obviously older!! Why would we be playing hide and seek in a spooky old mansion?! haha!!

Dream 2

I am heavily pregnant and curled up in bed with Chris. I am on my side with my back to him and my head on his chest, and he is rubbing my aching back. I fall asleep, but can hear him saying how cute it is that I've fallen asleep on him. Then I get this agonising pain in my back and wake up shouting. Chris tries to sooth me, but the pain keeps coming in waves. So we got up and got dressed, but Chris had to go to work, so I was crying to my Mam saying i thought I had lost / was losing the baby. Out friend (also called Chris) offered to keep me company all day, but I knew that would cause trouble when my boyfriend came back. There was this wierd sense of calm all the way through the dream, it was odd!

How bizzare?!

I think I have explainations for them but I'm bot sure. The first dream, I had been looking at fraud ghost photographs yesturday because there was a news bulletin online about one and it caught my attention. And maybe the horses were because jess and I had a very breif conversation about our riding lesson on Saturday.
The second dream was probably because I had back pains yesturday (and no, I am NOT pregnant before you ask!) Chris is always my source of comfort, and I had just spent the evening with him. We went to McDonalds at like 10pm, so I was probably too full for sleep haha!

I have a LOT of wierd dreams. Tell me about some of yours =)


wierd, dark, ghosts, circus, pregnancy, dreams, boyfriend, horses

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