May 27, 2010 22:09
I went to kmart today to take something back and I had to show my ID and teh lady was like wow u look so different, you had really nice hair and a nice tan goign too, i starte4d to cry, good thign for the sunglasses she also started to tear up a little bit, its amazing at how much different I look now care of all the pred and junk, oh well nothing i can do about it now but it was still ahrd to hear that
Here comes a rant
I was looking around on facebook and i came across a person that has just been denied a second lung transplant and it jsut really got to me, since I need lugns as well and can't get them, i didn't do a damn thing to destroy my lungs, yet people can fuck up their lungs and then they can get a new pair of lungs come on now, at least some things have changed and its not first come first serve but still it sucks for people like me and others in my place.
It jsut pisses me off that some docs only like to take the easy cases so they have better numbers, a real doc should be up for the challenge. I swear the insruance wont pay for me, but if i go smoke away my lugns they would, this pisses me off to no end. no one can tell u how long u will live period, i could die tonight, someone with a hard case could get lungs and be fine for many years then u have a person that could be the "ideal" pt and have tehm die the next day.
It's all about beating the odds when u get to this stage in life, i mean i was told with my eyes that since they had been so bad and they had to do both together that i may only get back a little vision, well i got all of it and tehn some, my docs were all amazed considering they had told me like 3 weeks before they had no clue how i would turn out and to expect major visoin loss.