Jan 03, 2012 02:05
Hmm. Where to begin? My kid is a year and a half. I finally moved back to Indy. I made it through the first year of marriage without wanting to physically harm my husband. We are trying for another baby, sort of. We had an unknown pregnancy with an unexpected miscarriage in May that seemed to be more of a blessing in disguise. We are trying to buy a house come spring.
What else? I don't really know. My husband has a 7-3/M-F job now. I guess you can say we are living a sort of normal life now. Things could always be better, we could always have more money. But it's fine right now.
I feel like I've lost my best friend a little. She is hell bent on leaving for Cali. I already never get to see her and I feel like I am going to lose her forever if she leaves. I can't handle that.
I still have negative views on myself. I have a hard time feeling pretty. Especially when I am around pretty girls. New Years Eve was a bit tough for me. Everywhere I went I was surrounded by pretty girls, well dressed girls, whatever. I felt like I blended in with the walls. I knew my husband was looking, especially since he said one looked just like his ex girlfriend. (The gorgeous one.) But whatever, he's still fucking me every night.
Other than all that, my life is pretty bland. I work about 15 hours a week so I spend most of my days cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the baby. I guess I am going to stop rambling on. Happy 2012 everyone! I hope it's not the last year on earth!