Rememberance: Torchwood fic

Nov 08, 2006 22:44

Title: Rememberance
Author: Me, cupati
Rating(s): Suitable for all.
Pairing(s): Gen
Warning(s): Set any time at Torchwood, but no Torchwood spoilers; could be considered slightly spoilery for Empty Child / Doctor Dances, and is certainly best read after watching them.
Summary: We will remember them.
A/N: Some people may find it offensive that I write a fanfic based on rememberance day. This will be the first time in years I haven't gone to my local war memorial [with a flock of Guides], so I'm writing this instead.

Silence. That was the important part. It was all important parts, of course, but the silence was revered by all. Then:

"They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them"

Were they remembering him? Thinking he was fallen? He scanned the crowds, hoping to see a familiar face, but hoping not to see a familiar face staring back. They wouldn't understand. They'd think it was a spectre from the past, or a descendant with a foul sense of humour.

Was he the only one to remember them? Were they all gone, taken, fallen? Who had they left behind? He didn't know. He'd left them behind. Didn't keep up with the gossip. Didn't have chance.

Was there anyone with no-one to remember them? Probably - certainly. Died in battle, died in air-raid. Died in hospital, died on the streets. All dead. All without people to remember them.

Battles. From little fights to planet-wide destruction. Here, there, anywhere. The Doctor remembered them, so he had to remember them too.

He was busy most mornings, and at the going down of the sun there were other priorities. But he still remembered - how could he forget?

torchwood, fanfic, doctor who

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