Jul 10, 2015 17:45
There are multiple issues confronting Christans these days. The responses are just as numerous.
I think most of us, in good faith, aspire to protect and represent all that God stands for. Does how we do it matter? I think so.
Peter vehemently responded to protect Jesus and what he stood for when he pulled out his sword and sliced the ear off a Roman soldier.
Jesus put it back on.
For some Christians, Jesus embodies compassion, understanding, mercy and love - they see life with that lens.
For other Christians, they see with the tone of the Apostle Paul - black and white - saying stuff like put off the old man and put on the new man.
But with further inspection, Paul's love ran so deeply for God (suffered imprisonment, hunger, beatings, lost at sea) and people (you don't have that kind of love for God and not your neighbor) that he was willing to trade places with someone so they could have eternal life.
That's pretty incredible.
As I consider abortion rights, homosexuality rights, and end-of-life rights, my first response is compassion. This is what we all should have no matter what our personality type is. If there is any inkling of disgust, then you are self-righteous and have forgotten your own sin. Mercy triumphs over judgement.
We know the scriptures are real and true. They bring light to the path of our life and make us become lights to the world. But how our lights shine is worth talking about. When things seem complicated, when everything gets muddled, the essence of the scripture speaks so simply. It's not either or with God. It's both.
Sorrow and joy mingled together at the cross.
Can we do both?
How should we be standing up for these issues that we face as a society? Will we respond as Peter? Ready to slice and dice up anyone who dares to defy the Bible? Words alone do not do this. Carrying posters of aborted babies speaks volumes. Is that how you came to Christ? With your sin shoved in your face?
Jesus addressed sin after he loved: go and sin no more. Only the Pharisees, the ones who knew the scripture, Jesus addressed their sin of pride and self-righteousness immediately.
Jesus drew people. We should draw people. Not by holding up a standard of righteousness but the love of Christ in our hearts. If Christ is in us, then we should emanate something that is truly out of this world.
... and the light in the darkness did shine and the darkness did not perceive it.
Being Jesus' hands and feet doesn't mean trampling down the sinner.
It means not just doing but being. You can't pretend. And you can't get it out of the latest book. Being only really happens when there is an exchange at the cross. You don't just trade with God. You lay your life, along with your will, at the altar.
During the 1800s, many abolitionists thought slavery and alcohol equally evil. The Temperance Movement, initiated by Protestants, began preaching moderation until they sought the local, state, and federal government to abolish it entirely.
It didn't work.
Don't get me wrong. I believe in governing powers and laws. I believe in voting for individuals who embrace the core values and principles which are critical to a nation's success. But laws work best when we have conscience and self-control guiding us. And the more a society strays from this, the more crazy things will get.
Yet, God is clear: whosoever will. He gives us a choice. And how we choose will affect the outcome.
The 10 commandements alone didn't work. Not that they were wrong - they were very right. But without love, they could not be kept. And our consciences, something we all were born with, either become seared or grow to maturity regarding our behaviors. They grow when we are smitten with the sacrificial love of Jesus.
But first, we have to see the absolute wretchedness of all sin - our sin.
Promoting the Law isn't the Gospel. People may line up with it but what about their hearts? Have they really responded to a loving God who forgives? Are they really wanting God in their life?
Only love as God defines it will do.
... the goodness of God leads to repentance.
I don't have it all figured out. I know there are sinful behaviors and lifestyles that grieve us simply because we may be aware of the long term results for an individual. But we should endeavor to get God's mind during these tumultous times and worry about our own hearts being free from anything that would cause our light to be crass or dull.