The lcd soundsystem show in some record store in London with Tyler.
The spooky tambourine man
Dang its nice to have tall friends that can take pictures for you. Usually all I get is the back of people's heads, thanks Tyler.
After some amazing timing with the lcd show we stumbled upon an amazing (but not quite as amazing as the unicorn heaven in Barcelona)vegetarian restaurant where we got REALLY excited about vegan scone, oh, wait, they're out. Shit. Soon Tyler, don't you worry!
Tyler relishing in the glow of finding a place with vegan margarine. Plus, we had an amazing little table. I think it was originally a broom closet that they put a table in with some cushions, I couldn't even stand up in it. It ruled.
THERE'S NO SEATING DOWN STAIRS!!!!! Don't let all the open tables fool you. One of the 2 coffee shops that we couldn't find a place to sit in, there is nothing wrong with making your own area.
Me in Canterbury, just hanging out in the norman ruins. Look how pale I'm getting, assimilation complete.
My friends in Bath.
My 5am walk through the winter wonderland that was Royal Holloway.
The Arsenal game that Ben took me to, what a sweetheart!
Canterbury. On the other side there is a huge medieval crusific at the top of the gate, right next to the medieval starbucks? Apparently Jesus loves a good cup-o-joe.
Tomorrow morning 2 beautiful ladies are going to be waking me up. Then Paris! then Morocco, and some ass shaking in london with Jason and Tyler. Geeze, my life wins.