Dec 06, 2004 23:16
I am at a loss. I have been in a fairly good mood for the last couple days until just now. I can't put my finger on the culpret, although I am sure it is Kevin. I am sick, yet again so I am sure that plays a role in it all. I don't think I can ever learn my lesson. This is so gramatically incorrect. lol. Lets see if I can gather my thoughts here...
I took the first final of three tonight and it went well, so I am glad about that however, in order to get to such final I had to trudge in the rain. I had no product in my hair and it got drenched. Normally this would be no problem and I would not care...I had an hour sitting in a hot humid room before the exam began and so my hair began to dry...and rise...and rise AND RISE! Ethnic hair is a pain in the ass I tell you. Tomorrow I have my Public Relations final which is going to be a bitch and a half. Not that I will do bad but his exams are always confusing as all hell. It is a comprehensive exam so I have to make sure to cover all the highlights he made throughout the term. Just some extra studying at hand.
Christmas is nearly upon me and I am all but excited. This is a first. Part fo me feels completely distant from my family and the other tells me to stop being a pussy and get over it, but the truth is that they are quite important to me. This Christmas is going to be especially hard on me because I am not with my Christmas traditions are lacking. I miss the huge Christmas village, the nativity scenes and all the smiles I am used to seeing. AND THE SINGING! I miss hearing my mother singing randomly through out the day her quirky christmas renditions. OMG my grandmother sings "Rudolph the high-ho silver"! hahahahaha She knows that's not what it is supposed to be but I always crack up so she always sings it that way.
My brother will not be receiving a present from me this year, neither will anyone else and that saddens me. I am THAT bad financially that I can not even come up with something to give my family. I think that hurts me the most. I told my brother that if he was able to maintain his A's at school I would buy him these collectible cars every year (they run about 80 each, but that doesnt matter to me). I know he looks forward to it. :-(
God, I dont want to be at this loft any longer. It's so....not home. I know it's my fault, I broke up with him. Ish. I need some friendly faces around (Johanna, Liz, Rachel, I miss you guys!) I guess I got tired of always being the supportive happy g lucky one, for a day. hahahahahaha
I can't wait til midnight mass...even if I am going alone.
"next year all out troubles will be miles away..." I can only hope...Salut!