May 31, 2002 18:35
Probably my fault, not computer error!
Its Fridaynight and im staying in!
Great eh?
Well im not that bothered, im listening to all these fabulous songs i downloaded on napster about a year ago that i forgot existed.
I know i have an anal cunt song on here that makes me pee my self laughing so i will save that for a bit, until the reality of staying in alone on a friday night hits me.
Tomorrow i am going to look at some flats with my mama. Theres one that sounds good, its not far from where i live now, it has mezzanine floor which sounds good, and reasonable kitchen and stuff. It only has a shower, no bath. I love baths, i spend hours in there, reading, i used to talk on the phone lots too but my mobile started getting fucked up. i wont even be able to go round to my mamas for a bath cos she RIPPED it out and replaced it with a funky shower. Grrr. Noone knows the true value of quality bathing these days!