Jan 22, 2004 21:07
Mr.Kerouac is a genious. Me and samus have decided that he is infact christ.I have chupla cheese stains on my pants: the god that is taco bell.
There's no hope with dope kids, but damn, don't i feel great.Tomorrow we're getting krunk with the merlin. She's having a motel party on busch.when i say "we" i guess i'm counting myself as two people.
well.. melissa, jennifer, brittney,tyrell, ot,sam, mo' fuckin windell,carlos, eric, dani, santi could all count in the "we" category as well.
"i have deicded that i am infact THE DEVIL"- will ferrel.
we're all getting blown: so who gives a damn.
On another pointless subject, me and sam's lives are scary becaue we both have the same occurences happen.
ex: breaking up with boyfriends days apart, whom we both dated for the same amount of time and who were both earth/fire signs.
ex2: mysterious dead slaves calling us on the cells
ex3: started heavy chain smoking at same time/age.
ex4: each of the houses in our charts match. For example, our 12 th house is in cancer, which means most likely both of us will die will giving birth or self fault, such as suicide.
It's that damn moon.
Fuck that Moon!