Loni's Guide to Meeting Other People's Parents

Jul 29, 2005 17:48

I've meet many of my friends' parents over the years and I've noticed a couple of sure ways to land a good impression with them. Below are a few guidelines.

1.Never say your real opinions.
Do you know your friend's parent's favorite color? food? movie? their political affiliation? traumatic childhood experiences? No, I didn't think so. Therefore, don't make a stand on anything, just agree with everything they say. The only way I'd make an exception is if you know you don't like your friend that much or if you do feel comfortable for some very odd reason.

2.Always Smile
I can not stress that enough. Even if you just burned your hand, you better smile you fucker. You don't want them to call you a kill joy now do you?

3.Don't wear novelty shirts in their presence.
Shirts that have just a hint of sexual induendo, drug reference, or self depreciation are a no-no. After you go home, their parents will ask your friend about what questionable stuff you do in our free time.

4.Always say "please", "thank you", "excuse me", etc.
Not only does this show that you are a good influence but that your parents are good people that instilled excellent manners in you. If possible, be the first to say thank you, when they do something nice like for example, buy both you and your friend baseball tickets. If you come in second it seems like the only reason why you said thanks in the first place is because your friend's "thanks" reminded you.

5.Always iron your clothes.
Your shirt may not have a stain on it but they will think you are dirty.

6.Only laugh if they started laughing first.
Parents are offended by stuff that makes no sense. You may think something is funny but to them, it is like they saw a puppy getting kicked in the gut. The best way to avoid this mix up is to laugh when they are laughing.

7.Don't talk about your family at great lengths.
Only the basics are to be exposed such as how many siblings you have and your parents professions. If you tell anymore and tell your parents what you said they will be infuriated because "thats the family's business".

8.Be nice to your friend's siblings
They belong to your friend's parents too and they will nark on you if you are the least bit strange.
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