I Love Uni

Sep 28, 2006 08:48

I am sooooo sooooo happy at the moment. I don't think people will understand properly.  Much more than I am at home.

Reason being, I am totally in my element. Busy, sporty, drinking, being the leader, being appreciated and respected, getting attention from my friends, having lots of phone calls, being invited to way more things than I could possibly go to. To an extent i get this at home too of course, but I don't think it can ever be the same. I wasn't the cool one at home, I got a fresh start and I think I've become a far more rounded person and I have developed in ways I never thought I could. Maybe one of these days I will be the cool one at home, but hey.

You see this is why I was itching to go back to Uni. I feel comfortable at home with my family and I do miss my friends and wish I spent more time with them etc. but I feel comfortable here doing the student thing. Life is good.

A lot of the tensions from last year have gone, from me being positive and I think there is a fresh start this year. I heard something that I have waited about 6 months to hear from Ben (ex NL Coordinator) and it made me very happy.,
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