Apr 20, 2007 11:56
In honor of the guy who's so influenced my life (little-known fact: one of the first jobs I took on to support myself through college was as a Crispin Glover impersonator--a position that culminated in my first-ever molestation and, subsequently and even MORE auspiciously, my first appointment with a professional-grade otolaryngologist), here's the "official video" of a song entitled "Clowny Clown Clown" from Crispin's debut--and ONLY, as of this juncture--musical outing, "Big Problem Does Not Equal the Solution. The Solution = Let It Be."
(And before you mention it: I REALIZE I've been relying on video clips more than usual of late to fill out my LiveJournal bustier, as it were. But, in THIS instance, I don't think there is anything I could POSSIBLY write myself that would more faithfully render the utter anti-intellectualist hokum that is the observance of "4/20" moreso than the presented video-in-question. [Falsetto]: Oopsy-doopsy-DOO-oo!)
The single GREATEST (!) aspect of the preceding music video, to my mind, is that Señor Glover makes multiple mention of a "Mr. Farr" in a colloquial sort of sense ("Like Mr. Farr, GET it? 'Mr. Farr'? [Laughing]")--as if everyone watching the video is in on "the joke" (a reference, in actuality, only the 23 people who've seen the über-rare, VHS-only feather-in-the-cap-of-movies-dealing-with-social-retardation that is "Rubin & Ed" could POSSIBLY catch... and STILL wouldn't be amused by, mind you...). *Tee hee!* Crispin's so deluded concerning his social impact! Regardless! On this most venerated and holy of holidays observed EXCLUSIVELY by people who go out of their communal way NOT to matter, remember--though advising such a demographic to "remember" is sort of like telling a baboon to show some modesty, buttocks-wise--to schmoke a fatty or two in dual honor of ol' Hitler and Crispin, would yee? Appreciation!
[Waggling my finger at the computer monitor]
Hey, you! Heil Rastafari... right now!
Post-Script: Is anyone else out there expectantly counting the minutes to a release date that doesn't exist for "Simon Says" as am I? Is it just me? I don't know, man... There's just something about seeing a movie wherein Crispin offs a bunch of libidinous teenyboppers in the redneck woodlands by way of booby traps fashioned with pick axes that gets me all tapioca'd up downstairs. I'm not alone here, am I?
POST-Post-Script: ...not to MENTION a film featuring Crispin Glover, Jeffrey Combs, AND Brad Dourif, all in leading roles?!?! Valhalla-on-acid, says I! Have I just surpassed myself in terms of geek-cult cinema patheticness or what...?