I hates the sick, yes I does precious

Feb 20, 2008 11:19

So, for the last 3 weeks or so, Wendi and I have been battling being sick. First is was a stomach thing, then it moved into the sinus' for her, chest for me (with a sore throat to boot). Now it's started to head to the sinus for me and has settled into her chest. Both of us have had these horrible dry racking coughs that produce little to nothing, and sometimes reduce us to throwing up because the cough is so hard. The whole thing has come in waves - we start to get better, then go downhill

Yesterday we went to the doctor, and we have a bronchial and sinus infection. Antibiotics and lung stuff have been purchased, so hopefully we are finally on the mend. Wendi has had it worse overall (currently has a very squeaky voice if she can talk at all). Already there seems to be a difference, and hopefully it will progress in the right direction.

Tonight I'll be working a hockey game, and tomorrow going to my regular job (missed work there on Mon and Tues). Tomorrow night we have tickets to see And One, so it's good that we are FINALLY starting to feel better.


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