Honeytrap - Chapter 4

Jun 08, 2014 17:52

Honeytrap - Chapter 4 of ?

Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Summary: Adam Lambert and Kris Allen are best friends and Special Agents for the US government. When a syndicate needs infiltrating, the Director turns to Agent Lambert because of his ‘special’ qualifications. Agent Allen is not happy with his best friend being thrust into this situation but supports him anyway, professionally and personally. As the case progresses, Adam finds himself getting in over his head, causing Kris’ protective instincts - and buried feelings - to kick in.
Disclaimer: Pure fiction. I do not own anyone. I have researched some information on the spy game but not too much. Mostly based on TV shows.
Warnings: violence, dom/sub, sexual situations, dubious non-con, angst

A “honeytrap” is the use of seduction in a spy operation.

NOTE: I hope it’s not too confusing jumping back and forth between Adam and Timothy. They are the same person; just remember where Reggie is concerned, it’s ‘Timothy’, otherwise it’s ‘Adam’.

Sorry for the delay. Working on this between college assignments.

Masterlist - http://cunningdeb.livejournal.com/93228.html


“You never go to this much trouble when I come over for dinner,” Kris commented, hungry eyes taking in the spread of food covering the kitchen counters.

He looked around the house, sparkling after a thorough cleaning. Every surface had been dusted, polished, and vacuumed. When Adam would invite him over to his apartment, Kris would arrive to clutter and a takeout order of pizza or Chinese.

“That’s cause I’m not trying to get into your pants,” Adam teased, taking the dishes, glassware and utensils out of the cupboards and drawers and beginning to set the table.

Back in the day, the two men usually sat on the couch balancing paper plates on their hands.

Kris reached out and popped a hors d’oeuvre in his mouth.

“I didn’t know you could cook like this?”

“I can’t but I’m an expert at ordering in. This is just a little more fuss than I normally do.”

“No kidding.”

Adam had a variety of wine and alcohol nearby but Kris fished into the fridge for a beer. It was hard to act nonchalant when this wasn’t Adam’s home and it was harder not to think of it as a den of iniquity …

Where the hell did that reference come from?

Once the table was set, Adam went into the bedroom to finish changing. He’d put on chocolate brown loose pants and flip flops (with freshly painted toenails) but he waited until he’d set all the food out before slipping on the very expensive and very soft pullover sweater he bought that morning, compliments of the federal government’s credit card. Adam gazed through the stylish closest and wondered how much begging he’d have to do in order to keep his dream wardrobe.

He was just about to head back into the living room when he remembered the most important things. Opening his top dresser drawer, he took out a white paper bag and headed to the bedside table. Adam removed condoms and lube from the bag and stashed them within reach.

“You’re really go through with this, aren’t you?” Kris softly asked, he voice tinged with disbelief.

Adam’s brows knitted together.

“That was the whole point, right? Seduce the bastard so I get inside his operation and find the evidence to put him away for life.”

“Right, but … it never seemed real … before.”

A darkness momentarily settled over Adam’s face.

“It’s real enough for me, especially when his tongue … or dick … is down my throat.”

Adam’s moved past Kris in the doorway and headed to the bar, suddenly needing a drink. Kris stayed where he was but turned around, his face earnest.

“It’s not too late … call it off … tell Cowell you changed your mind.”

Adam emptied his glass and poured another. He couldn’t deny that he hadn’t thought about it, especially during that first blowjob but there was too much at stake. Reggie was falling hard for Timothy - Adam could tell - and that weakness was going to be the crook’s downfall. If he pulled out now, Reggie heart might get bruised but he’d heal quickly and go back to his illegal activities. Adam would rather deal with this and succeed than save himself at the expense of countless others.

“I haven’t changed my mind.” Adam waited for a comeback. Instead, Kris began pacing, rubbing his neck like he was trying to sever his head. “There’s too much at stake. I just have to keep remembering everyone he’s hurt or could hurt and I can go through with it.”

“The only one I’m concerned about getting hurt is you. Adam, please ….”

The look on his friend’s face broke Adam’s heart. He closed the gap and they hugged, arms like vices.

“You know I love you, right? You’re my best friend and your support means everything to me,” Adam whispered, trying not to fall apart when he needed to stay strong.

“I’ll always have your back Adam, even if I don’t like what you’re doing. I love you too.”

Kris and Adam had said those three little words to each other countless time in a bromance kinda way. This time, at least when Kris said it, there was something else there, something he couldn’t identify … or was afraid to identify.

“Time to break up the love-in” Matt’s bodiless voice announced from above, “looks like our target has arrived.”

Reluctantly Kris let go and stepped back. Adam looked like he wanted to say something, something that didn’t relate to the crook making his way to Timothy’s house, but the moment was lost.

“You better go out the back door.”


Kris reached up and brushed aside the blonde hair falling over his friend’s forehead.

“How do I look?”


There was a knock and that was it. Adam headed to one door and Kris to the other.

Lingering on the porch, Kris carefully peered through the door before shutting it. Adam stood at the front door, his face serious. Kris saw his friend’s shoulders rise as he took a deep breathe. Looking down, Adam smoothed his clothes, raised his head with a smile and then Timothy let O’Dowd in.

~ xXx ~

Reggie walked up the sidewalk, swearing at himself for being nervous. He ran a syndicate that stretched the breadth of the country with fingers stretching overseas and here he was scared of being alone with a hot piece of ass. The problem was Timothy was quickly becoming more than a piece of ass and Reggie had never let a casual hook-up turn into an infatuation.

As he self-analyzed, he knocked on the door and waited. For a moment he thought he heard two voices but decided it was just the conversation going on in his head. Nearly a minute after he knocked, he raised his fist to repeat when the door opened. His hand fell heavy to his side.

Nothing happened until Timothy cleared his throat.

“Um … everything okay?” he asked cautiously.

Reggie’s eyes slowly worked over every inch of the boy’s body. Tearing away was nearly possible.

“You look good,” the older man replied, somewhat in shock.

A smile slowly spread across Timothy’s face and he stepped aside, gesturing with his arm for his guest to enter.

“I aim to please.”

“You certainly do.”

Reggie didn’t move.

“Soooo … are you coming in or are we dining el fresco on the stoop?”

Reggie nodded and came in. Timothy went to the bar to get him an Irish whiskey while Reggie looked around. The bungalow was furnished in wood and leather and the walls were covered in framed pieces of modern art. As he took a closer look, he noticed a familiar signature in the bottom right hand corner.

“You do these?”

“Yeah, I like to frame some of the designs I’m most proud of.” Timothy handed over the whiskey, a red wine in his own, and they turned their attention to a set of hands reaching out to one another. “I did this one for the Trevor Project.”

“You’re really good.”

“Thanks! If you ever need something done for your business, I can give you a friends and family discount.”

“Am I friend or family?”

Timothy’s free hand lightly caressed the older man’s arm.

“We’ll know for sure after tonight,” he replied slowly. “Are you hungry? I’ve got munchies to hold us over. Dinner’s warming in the oven, it should be ready in twenty minutes or so.”

“I am hungry … starving actually,” Reggie replied, setting down his glass and removing Timothy’s from his hand, “but twenty minutes isn’t near enough time.”

Taking Timothy by the arms, he pulled their bodies together hard and claimed the mouth open in surprise. The connection was deep and rough and demanding. When they came apart, both men were out of breath.

“What’s for dinner anyway?”

“Ah … there’s … um, prime rib … r-roasted potatoes and squash.”

“That stuff reheats. Shut the oven off,” Reggie demanded.

Timothy did as he was told but instead of returning to the waiting arms, he walked over to the entrance of another room and slowly stripped off his shirt, dropping it on the floor before disappearing into darkness.

Reggie stood still momentarily before stepping forward and picking up the shirt. He buried his face in it, inhaling the scent of cologne. A pair of pants landed at his feet and Reggie inhaled them as well. Though the scent of cologne was there, it was faint; the overwhelming scent was pure sex and he felt himself harden instantly. The moment his foot crossed the threshold, a dim light turned on and Timmy presented himself, laid out on the bed nearly naked, one hand under his head, the other palming himself through barely there briefs.

~ xXx ~

Reggie was looking at him like he was the prime rib in the oven and the older man hadn’t eaten in a month. For all his bravado that he was good with this, Adam was scared shitless.

The hand appearing to casually lie under his blonde dye job was actually gripping his hair so hard he felt the strands straining in their follicles. It was by sheer concentration that he wasn’t yanking his dick from his body. This was it … the time had finally come … and he’d been the instigator, just as his undercover job demanded. He was about to successfully seduce the criminal and all the young agent wanted to do was hide under the covers.

As Reggie stripped down, scars were reveled on his shoulder, chest, and stomach - proof that even though people tried to take the kingpin down, he refused to succumb. Could Adam really defeat this Rasputin, this Goliath with a kiss and more than a cuddle? The mattress dipped and his hand was pushed away. Without ceremony, Reggie divested Adam of his briefs, leaving him completely exposed. There was only one way Adam was doing this and he reached to the side table, grabbing the condoms and lube and setting them beside his naked hip, well within reach. Reggie acknowledged the act but wasn’t quite ready for them yet.

One large hand fondled the boy’s balls while the other encased his dick, leaving the head exposed. A rough tongue licked his slit like a cat licking up cream. Adam felt his dick twitch, thankful to the Agency’s pharmacy for the little pills that helped him rise to the occasion; they weren’t the four hour variety but strong enough for Reggie to think Timothy was enjoying his touch. While his body reacted, Adam made sure to vocalize what Reggie would want to hear - groaning, gasps, mewling, filthy language. Moving his hand lower, the hot mouth started to take him in. At some point, Adam was sure Reggie had pushed a finger into his mouth alongside his dick for a wet digit started rubbing his puckered hole. When the quickly drying finger tried to breach him, Timothy carefully insisted on the lube. Reggie seemed to scoff at the idea but gave in. Letting everything go, the older man flipped the lid and squeezed a generous amount out. The gel was cold as it was smeared around Timmy’s hole and then Reggie picked up where he left off, mouth sucking dick and thick finger pushing in.

Adam had only bottomed once in his life, the year he graduated high school, and though it wasn’t as horrible as it could have been, he learned that he preferred to top. He liked to be in control in all aspects of his life so why should his sex life had been any different? A second finger was inside him, stretching and probing. Adam’s mind wandered to the poor souls that fell victim to Reggie’s human trafficking endeavors. Forced labor was part of it but the majority were sold into sexual slavery. In his situation, Adam at least had some say in what he allowed Reggie to do with him; still, he wasn’t 100% willing. The notion of being raped daily multiple times, with no hope, made him sick and he had to mentally escape.

Closing his eyes tight, Adam tried to imagine it was someone else’s mouth drawing an orgasm out of him … someone else’s three fingers deep inside, stimulating his prostate and making him buck and cry out. The pressure built and built then exploded out of him.

The person in his mind was unexpected … but not unwelcomed.

~ xXx ~

Down the street, the sex scene was being diligently monitored by one agent and unsuccessfully ignored by another. At first, the audio filled the room but Kris couldn’t handle it so he nearly begged Matt to use the ear buds. Matt obliged as he watched the video feed but he still provided a play-by-play that was just as unsettling.

“Reggie’s taking his underwear off … wow, he’s big … he just told Adam to ride him … they’ve changed spots … Adam’s rolling a condom on him … slicking him up … now he’s got a hold of it … lining up … going doooowwwwnnnn … man, that’s gotta hurt, taking that monster up the ass like that … oh, Adam’s moving … he’s riding him like a broncho ….”

“Why the hell are we watching this?” Kris blurted in frustration. “I mean, it’s not like Reggie’s going to start talking about gun running while they’re … they’re ….”


“Eewww … don’t say that.”

“It’s our job.”

“To watch our coworker having sex?”

“Yeah, you heard Cowell … we have to record everything that goes on. You never know when a tidbit of valuable info could slip out … damn, our boy is good.”

Kris’s curiosity piqued but he couldn’t bring himself to look or ask.

There was silence … highly unusual where Matt was concerned … and just as Kris was about to break down and ask what was happening, the commentary returned.

“Changed positions again … Adam’s on his hands and knees … Reggie going in … he pounding him like a jackhammer ….”

Kris couldn’t take it anymore and removed himself to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of ice cold water and held it to his face and the back of his neck. Up until now, it had only been talk, except for the blow job after the U2 concert, but that was just hearsay - literally. This time, there were visuals. Kris watched the bedroom scene play out up until the point Reggie removed Adam’s underwear. As far as Kris was concerned, that went over the line, even for their close friendship. Sure, he’s caught sight of Adam in the showers at work or at the urinal but that was different, that was … biological. He grudgingly admitted to himself a bit of curiosity had been there too, you know, wondering who’s bigger.

Three guesses and the first two don’t count.

Lately, Kris had been feeling different … feeling off. He wanted to blame it on having to put their public friendship on hold but that excuse was wearing thin. He wasn’t willing to admit how this separation was hurting him mentally and physically. Matt occasionally hinted at something but that was just how Matt was.

If there was something to know about himself, Kris would know about it right?

“Ah, Kris? Hey man, can you come here?”

“Are they finished yet?” he yelled back.

“Sorta … but you need to take over.”

Matt’s voice sounded strained … pained even … so Kris cracked open the now room temperature water, took a long swig, and went back. Matt was bending forward and chewing on his bottom lip. The moment Kris entered the surveillance room, Matt leapt up from his seat and bolted for the bathroom.

Matt was a fast runner but not fast enough to hide from Kris the significant bulge tenting out his pants.

Kris stood there with his mouth open like a fish, both repulsed and highly amused.

The sudden silence snapped him out of it. Unplugging the ear buds, he sat in front of the screen and braced himself.

~ xXx ~

Both men laid in bed, side by side, breathing heavily. Adam felt gross and not just from the sweat soaking his hair and casting a sheen over his body. He could feel the wetness between his ass cheeks, the pulsing of the muscles in his anus, stretched and sore. He wanted to get up and jump under a hot shower but his muscles refused to let him move. Normally, Adam loved the blissed out exhaustion he felt after a round of mind blowing sex but this was a totally different kind of exhaustion. The best he could do was feel around his hips for a sheet or blanket and cover himself up.

“Got shy all of a sudden?” Reggie asked softly, sounding as tired.

“Chilly,” he replied.

Reggie rolled onto his side and pulled Timmy up against him. The sheet came too and the young man adjusted it so it covered both of them.

“You blew my mind, you know that?” Reggie asked, one of his hands slipping under the sheet and fondling the flaccid cock gently. When it twitched, he laughed deeply. “If I were younger, I’d take your friend up on its invitation but you wore me out.”


“Thank you.”

Reggie buried his nose in Timmy’s hair, breathing deeply. Under the sheets, his hand slid lower until his fingers reaching the gaping hole. Adam couldn’t hold back a gasp as his sensitive flesh was rimmed. He tried to move but couldn’t, trapped under the much bigger arm.

“Don’t worry boy, just checking out my work. God, I’m starvin’. Any chance we can reheat that dinner of ours?”

“Anything you want,” Adam replied seductively, staying in character.

“I want a shower. Care to join me?”

“So tempting but you shower first. I’ll turn the oven on and see if I can’t save the tossed salad.”

Reggie got up and headed for the bathroom, “Don’t worry about the rabbit food. I like meat.”

Adam laughed until Reggie was out of earshot and then he released a long sigh, thankful the sex portion of the date seemed to be over. Slowly, he sat on the edge of the bed, wincing as his ass protested. He ran his hands through his hair then dried them on the sheet. Looking up, his eyes fell on the concealed camera and realization struck him that his friends … Kris … had seen and heard the entire escapade. Heat burned his face but he had to hold it together.

Sitting up straighter, he looked directly into the camera and saluted, “Hope you boys enjoyed the show.”

“Did you say something?” Reggie called out from the shower.

Adam stood up and retrieved his robe.

“I just said don’t use up all the hot water.”

An hour later, both men had showered and dressed (Adam had on baggy sleep pants and a robe since his butt still hurt) and sat down for a reheated dinner. The salad was a lost cause so Adam threw together another salad for himself while Reggie dove into the prime rib and potatoes. They didn’t say much although every so often, Reggie cast a glance his way and smirked.

Adam knew what that was all about since Reggie had seen him put a pillow on his chair before sitting gingerly down.

“I’m going to feel you for days,” Timmy playfully complained.

“Is that a problem?”

“No … just an observation.”

A foot made its way up and down Timmy’s bare leg.

“Soooooo, you like it rough?”

Adam knew what he wanted to say but he said what Reggie wanted to hear.

“I’m not into full BDSM but I’m game for a bit of experimenting.”

A full smile lit up the older man’s face and Adam cursed himself.

“I’ll keep that in mind. I have a few … toys … I think you might like.”

Reggie’s attention returned to the food and Adam lost his appetite. From reading the agency’s personal file on O’Dowd, he knew the older man had such leanings and that at some point he was going to be subjected to them. Kris was already giving him a hard enough time about letting Reggie touch him; this new revelation could make his friend’s pretty little head explode.

When dinner was over, Adam brought out the Bailey’s Irish Cream macaroons he’d found in a nearby bakery. Reggie loved them washed them down with coffee.

“I’m going to San Francisco next weekend,” Reggie blurted out between bites.

“Oh! So then, I guess I won’t see you til next week?”

Thank Ra.

“Actually, I was hoping you could come with me … that is if you’re free. I have a business meeting but we could check out the city and a few clubs I’ve heard about.”

Timmy blurted out he’d love to go. Reggie was left with the impression that he’d have his boy toy at this beck and call while Adam was thrilled that this invitation proved he’d worked his way in the inner sanctum. Now it was only a matter of time before he’d gain access to the information the government needed to take Reggie O’Dowd down.

~ xXx ~

“He did it!” Matt cheered, “We’re in!”

Kris squeezed the empty water bottle until it cracked.

Matt was thrilled and Kris should have been too. For nearly a decade, the agency was trying to infiltrate O’Dowd’s crime family and it had finally happened. No matter what Kris thought about this, it was working. As far as he was concerned, as soon as Adam could bring the kingpin down, the better. Adam didn’t need to hear his friend’s concerns (as genuine as they were), he needed his support and that was what Kris vowed to do from now on.

Immediately, Matt got on the phone and contacted the Director. Arrangements needed to be made, even before they knew the exact date, times and locations. Kris kept his eyes and ears on the monitors. Reggie was at the front door, getting ready to leave. Reggie told Timothy that he’d call him in the morning with the details and took the robe clad man in his arms and kissed him. Timothy’s arms snaked around the older man’s back, pressing their bodies together. There was a low rumble and Kris saw the outline of a hand under the robe settling over his friend’s ass and caressing it. Timothy said he couldn’t wait for another night like this and Reggie promised this wouldn’t be the last.

Kris really hoped Adam knew what he was doing. When you lie with the devil, eventually you get burned.

pairing: adam/kris, honeytrap verse, rating: nc-17

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