Apr 27, 2014 03:26
Excuses are really interesting. We all make excuses.
I think one type of excuse that really flies under the radar is the noble excuse. These are seemingly noble intentions or things you have to do but are really disguised excuses: reasons for you to not do X, Y, Z.
I've been thinking about this lately because I've noticed one of my friends having this issue. She says she can't do a certain venture of her own because she has to take care of some other stuff. The other stuff is actually a pretty noble thing, but is unnecessary (and it actually is unnecessary.) The issue is that she is using that other stuff as a reason and excuse to not pursue her own project.
One problem with the noble excuse is that it makes it hard for people to call you out on them. After all, who is going to call you out on you wanting to spend more time with your kids or something of that kind? Sometimes those noble reasons actually are quite noble, and actually should be done instead of X, Y, Z.
So the real issue is the lack of awareness. Do you really want to or have to do the noble task (as sometimes you should) or are you using that idea in order to keep you from doing whatever you are perhaps too anxious or scared or lazy to do?
I need to figure out what kinds of excuses I have been making for myself that keep me from doing or accomplishing certain things. More awareness of what my reasoning is for doing certain things will help me better tackle and approach situations and problems.