O-Sim-Pia: A Feminist Simmer Project

Sep 20, 2011 03:57

Warning, this is a rambling idea post that was written at 4 in the morning

Now, I know I haven't been on in a while - my computer has been killing itself slowly (Driver 0100012-wtf issue) but I still play, it just seems that when I want to get on LJ my comp decides to off itself.
So, like my previous entries before, I have stated that I'm a feminist and I just finished watching yet another documentary when it hit me: why not play my sims like I play my life?
I am proposing an idea, why not recreate the riot grrrl scene from the 90s in sim form? Only problem is - I absolutely suck at a lot of sim creating stuff. So, I'm coming to my LJ friends to ask them for help and if it is a good idea we could start a Igor thread over at GoS and such.
I've started collecting feminist and riot grrrl gig posters on my HD so I have a source of inspiration. I'd probably be able to work out some t-shirts provided that you don't mind shit quality.
What would I be able to offer in exchange for any help? Music. I have tons of music saved up on my HD and I'd be more than willing to share it with anyone, just ask. If I don't have it, I can find it, if I can't find it, you can kick me repeatedly with steel toed boots. Also, I can provide the t-shirts I attempt to make.

So yeah, if my rambling made any sense at all comment and junk. :3

bangs - "train wreck"

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