Moped Guys = Funny

Jul 21, 2005 23:04

Well, my week has been pretty slow lol Jade has been gone the whole week to the beach! I miss her a lot!! Basically the only thing that i have been doing is helping my papaw put a roof on his house or lifting weights with lija, or just chill with people. Today has been pretty fun tho. Me Elijah and Shannon all went to Johnson City. I had never really DROVE over there b4 but im proud we didnt get lost any which is good. Anyways we got to the mall and all we bought was clothes. Except for elijah he bought some kind of pink thingy for kendra, but i think he is thinking about keeping it lol. There was these 2 girls that were following us around everywhere lol, one looked good, the other was well.....lets just say not so good looking. It was kinda weird though cuz i swear there wasnt 20 seconds went by where we didnt see them. Anyways we came back home and all went swimmin in elijahs pool. The water was pretty warm. We decided to order pizza so shannon left to go back home and me and Elijah were gonna ride back to my house to get some money. We get about halfway there and there is a guy on a mo-ped riding, so Elijah let his sunroof back and i was yellin at him telling him that mopeds sucked my nuts and stuff, just jokin around. Well i did that about half way home and the guy stops in the middle of the road and backs up and almost hits elijahs car and starts cussing us lol. It was the funniest thing i have ever freakin seen in my life this guy is kinda old with long blonde colored hair, and he was PISSED OFF lmao. Whenever he got up to our window Elijah just drove off. I could not stop laughin. After that we went downtown and got our pizza and stuff, we saw rheannon and carl downtown so we talked to them for a couple minutes then we came back here and ate. I guess im going to stay the night up here at Elijahs tonight so we can wake up kinda early in the morning to go lift. Ill update this thing a little later tho guys. Leave me comments if you read this! haha
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