Remember always the fallen for they were as angles if not for a brief moment in time here with us.

Sep 11, 2003 23:35

I rememeber yesterday that all the stupid "unbiased" news channels were asking the question: Will 9/11 be remembered or fogtten?. Basically which was better for the nation, to remember and bring back the pain, or to move on at the expense of forsakeing the fallen. I bet the one station that decided to move on feels like an ass, since all the others have a nice "day of rememberance" thing up. I have to admit that day still cuts deep on me. My mom was watching a thing on the day and it didn't feel like any other history thing it was close and personal and the actual event wasn't that close to me. I guess I just realized what was meant by heroes. People actually banded together to help eachother out. It wasn't everyman for themselves but rather, we all go or die trying. Not to mention the rescue workers. HA, and some people don't believe in any higher power.

Anywho, know that all I say now is dwarfed by the day as is anything yo ucomplain about. There is just very little yo ucan say on a day like this to me and have it register (after watching that documentary, it didn't hit me very hard until then). I was gonna talk about recent events, but they can wait. Today is a day for remembrance, prayer and thanks. Thank God himself for your/our blessings, for those around us, and for heroes. I'm not talking firemen and police officers, that's a given. I'm talking about those who if there were an emergency at school, say a tornado, they would lead people to the safe areas calmly and help peope cope if needed. The people that if there were a fire, would help those who were slow or encumbered to escape. Those who won't leave someone behind unless it is too late. Those are true heroes, the ones with nothing to gain, nothing to take from it. Firemen and Police officers are heroes by profession, these people are heroes by a sudden and instantaneous choice. For brief moments God works directly through them to save and soothe peopel as best as possible. God bless them all. Thank you for listening to this rant, well reading I guess. If you don't agree, tough, I can take you so shut up and think what yo uwant but don't pester me :-). Good night.

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