Fic and Backstory Masterlist

Sep 25, 2010 00:26

Character History Masterlist
Since there's a few of the cast putting their pen to... internet, I thought I'd compile a list of the current character histories that they've brilliantly written. Feel free to still post to the comm, though! Ones without hyperlinks are yet to be written. Wigs Wiggins is his real name, fo sho.

Sherlock Holmes (Cumberholmes)
Part One Part Two  Part Three Part Four Part Five (Final)

Wigs Wiggins (Wig_Out)
Part One Part Two

Irene Adler (Irene_adlr_nrtn)
Part One Part Two

Fiction Roundup

Assume the Perpendicular (PG for 'Accidental Drugs')
Sherlock, Mycroft, a birthday and a Picnic basket
by r_scribbles

Backwards and in High Heels (G)
Gregson & Sally Friendship
by anon

Be Careful What You Wish For (Or Jim'll Fix It...) (Hard NC-17)
Moriarty/Wigs Dub-con
by wig_fic

Couples Night (Very NC-17)
Sherlock/Irene/John/Sarah PWP
by r_scribbles

Gants Hill Variation, The (NC-17)
Lestrade/Sherlock PWMC
by r_scribbles

Handcuffs (..R?)
Moriarty/Lestrade Crack
by anon

Hate That It Brings, The (NC-17)
by slappersonly

Kiss with a Fist (R)
by slappersonly

Office Romance (PG)
Gregson/Lestrade Fluff
by langdalep

Putting the Kettle On (PG)
Sherlock and John Gen
by anon

Rain (G)
Gregson Gen Ficlet
by wig_fic

Scar Tissue (R)
Scars. Seb/Jim
by anon

She's a Rotten Kind of Cute (R)
by anon

Thy Cup Runneth Over (NC-17)
Jim/Seb with added crossdressing
by slappersonly

When Foxman Met Robin (PG)
Wigs and Lestrade Crack
by tahitigregson

Why Now? ( Original Post) (NC-17)
Gregson/Lestrade Ficlet
by wig_fic

masterlist, irene_adlr_nrtn, dilestrade, t_gregson, cumberholmes, sgtdonovan, molliarty, mformycroft, fic, sebmoran, wig_out, m_formoriarty, mod post, tahitigregson, character history, doctor_wat

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