May 30, 2006 21:38
Within Russia there were several frightening incidents that have happened. These incidents seem to have signaled what is called Putin’s Revoultion. Putin’s Revoultion started when Russia’s richest man, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was arrested. On Russia’s border, a dispute happened and precipitated a dangerous crisis, with Ukraine by Russia building a damn on disputed territory. On October 9 just days before the crisis in Ukraine, Russia’s lower hose of parliament passed the first reading of a bill on military training at schools and professional colleges. The Nayaya Gazeta newspaper claimed that the law-enforcement bodies were taking power. This newspaper as well as prominent human rights voices claims that only civil resistance can hold up against the oncoming illogical rule. Due to the turn in Russian leadership there also were problems with the way certain positions in the government are being filled. The positions are mostly being filled by military men with little or no political background. The author believes that if the Western world would become more involved in Russian affairs then maybe Russia’s future outlook would be better.
Putin’s October revolution connects with Les Miserables because the character of Marius was a revolutionary. Throughout the history of France, many revolutions had taken place. Marius was the leader of a group that leader of a group called the ABC group. From the time Marius was introduced into the movie, he was shown as a revolutionary. This article talks about a revolution within another country possible similar to the one that Marius was connected with.