Title: Loss - 01
Rating: T
lorielenFandom: Velvet Goldmine
Pairing: Curt/Brian
Disclaimer: Todd Haynes’, even though I’d treat them much better.
AN: written for prompt 003 - loss at
velvet100 Word count: 100
(16/out/07)EDIT: because I no longer trust LJ with my material, I've moved
Loss (1) to IJ.
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Title: Loss - 02
Rating: T
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Comments 14
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And, your wishes have been granted! ...sort of. I'd forgotten to post one of the drabbles, for another prompt, so I edited the entry. If you'd like some more C/B, it's there. ;)
in case you're in for more C/B, I've just added another drabble to the entry. I totally forgot to post it earlier *facepalms*
(Well, if you'd like more C/B, I've just added a third drabble to the post. Somehow I forgot to post it earlier..)
Argh! Hello? Can anybody please kick Brian for that thought?? Sorry. I know it might have been subjectively justified (from Brian's POV, I mean), but still. He should've known Curt better. Sorry again. Only the Curt-fangirl speaking.
In other words: I love them. The boys (of course) and both of the drabbles. :) *huggles*
Yes, I know *sighs* I don't like to write Brian when he was canonically an arse, but the prompt 'loss' sort of demanded that I wrote about something sad. But let me try and save Brian a bit. When he said that it might not matter much, he was thinking that
a) technically, Curt left him, so it meant he mustn't have chosen to stop caring, at some point
b) it might not matter much, because what he and Curt had was just the same dream as his Maxwell Demon stardom era, and it'd all come to a sad end because Brian was just so tired.
I've added a third drabble to the post. Actually it should have been in the entry originally, only I somehow forgot about it. It's a lighter, fluffier one ;)
Aaand, since I'm shamelessly self-promoting here, have you read the ficlet Cheers? You absolutely don't have to, of course, etc etc. *huggles ( ... )
Right. But I think that my "he should've known Curt better" still counts, doesn't it? I mean, after having been together for a certain time, he must've noticed that Curt would always care, no matter what. Sure, it had been Curt who'd left him, but maybe just because he wanted to shake Brian awake or something. Or maybe he couldn't see another way out. Or maybe even only because he wanted to beat Brian to it and be the first one of them to end their relationship. It didn't mean Curt wouldn't be crushed if Brian died. Aaaaand that doesn't mean, I don't like what you wrote! It's only proof of your wonderful talent that you can write Brian so real that I'm actually pissed off with him. :)
Yes! Clearly more fluffy. :) And I really LOVED the but else Brian would be a little taller than him, which absolutely wouldn't do. *LOL ( ... )
*laughs* Okay, okay, you win. And just for the record, I'm very much with you. At the time the drabble is set in, Brian is just an utterly despicable self-centred bastard. And I love your theories. I for one believe that Curt was trying to shake Brian awake, and just became really heartbroken when Brian refused to reach out to him.
Oh, I'm almost sorry to keep pointing my own fiction to you. except that I think hope you might enjoy reading?
'kay, I'm printing it to take it with me for the weekend. And YAY for more fluff!!! I simply love how you weave it into the storytelling, it's something I... well, envy is a bad word, but it's something I wish I could do as well as you. *huggles ( ... )
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Joined both comms =] Now I'll be cross-posting liek woah!
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