LJ/6A's tactlessness strike again

Aug 07, 2007 22:34

Urgent update: skimming through my f-list, I learned that LJ and 6A have screwed up yet again. After a lot of swearing, I've gathered my wits and a few useful links for anyone who's also annoyed shitless with this mess:

killthwight's post detailing the new fuck-up, complete with the story and many links.

What is useful during this transfer? Back-up and transfer tools. I come bearing teh link (haven't tried it yet, but I've heart it's painless).

Also, to those who have moved to IJ: It's been such a relief to find many familiar faces there! sm_malfoy has had a brilliant idea: she's created a community to help us find other HP members, since the fandom is scattered. It's called finding_hp.

Another nice comm I've stumbled upon is 07refugees, for everyone who left because of the Strikethrough. It's nice to scan the members for known usernames. ^_^

Note: I've just checked fandom_counts, and it has over 35,200 members.

...it'd be sad, if it weren't so infuriating. I've put my time, effort and my heart here at LJ. And they couldn't give a rat's arse. Bastards.

bitching, ij

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