Countdown to the Apocalypse in 10...9....8...

Sep 13, 2009 20:54

Immediately after watching last season's finale, gimlisgloinand I had a discussion about the season five opener.
We agreed that the episode should open where it left off, but we wouldn't be surprised if Kripke didn't.
We agreed that one of the first things Dean should do is smack Sam for being such a fucking idiot, but doubted that would happen.
We agreed that Ruby definitely better be dead now. (I mean, I think it was a stretch she made it back last season....)

After that discussion, any conversations pertaining to Supernatural had nothing to do with what was coming in the season opener.  We said so little about the new episodes that I forgot that it was starting until I noticed other friends tweeting about watching it.

Shortly, I'll be watching "Sympathy for the Devil" and for the first time since the series started, I have absolutely no preconceived notions about it, other than hoping it will be good (last chances and all that) but I have no idea what that would take. I really have no clue WTF Kripke has coming. No idea what the plan is, where he's taking it. I have no idea where I think it should go at this point.

At some point late in season two, the show veered away from where I thought the original mytharc was taking us. In hindsight, maybe Kripke had this  planned all along.  It's a shame for me, because I am still much more interested in where I thought the story was going  than the "apocolyptic showdown" we've been given.

I'm curious how Kripke is going to  bring it full circle to the pilot.

I'm going to give this last season a chance to make me a fan again.

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