Fic - Drabble - Mistaken Identity

Sep 29, 2008 22:36

Characters: Dean, OMC
Rating: G (for groan)
Genre: humor!fic, crack!fic, drabble
Warnings: Um, it might be really really badly written. Other than that, no spoilers.
Disclaimer: Kripke has nothing to fear from a story as shitty as this, trust me.

Mistaken Identity

“Hold it right there Demon!” Dean said, gun trained at the man’s head.

“What? I’m not a Demon!” the man cried.

“Is this or is this not 666 Morningstar Lane, home of one Y.E. Demon?” Dean demanded.

“Ah, see, my name’s Dernon. D-E-R-N-O-N. Sometimes when people write it, the ‘r’ and ‘n,’ get smushed together, and it looks like an ‘m,’” the man explained.

“Whoops, my bad,” Dean apologized, lowering his weapon. “Sorry about that.”

“Eh, happens all the time,” Dernon shrugged dismissively.

“Well, I guess we’ll be getting out of your way then.”

Well, that was embarrassing, Dean thought.

Written a bazillion years ago.  100 words.

dean, supernatural, crack, drabble, humour!fic, fanfic, rated:g, 100 wip list

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