Oh l'amour.

Jun 09, 2008 21:33

A week or more ago, another friend mentioned she'd heard whisperings of a break-up between the wunderkids.  We'd poo-pooed the idea, as we have heard lots of rumours re: the boys; most unprovable.  Turns out that this time, the source was correct.  If the email sent to the fansite is authentic, Jared and Sandy have decided to call off their engagement.

This is really none of my business, but I'm going to comment on it anyway.  If you don't think it's appropriate, I suggest you stop reading now.

I feel bad for both of them.  Break-ups are horrible and painful, and I can't imagine how awful and humiliating it must feel to go through it publicly. It was only a few months ago that they announced the engagement, so it's a surprise to hear this news so soon after.

The reasons why/how/when are irrelevent (and private).  Often there is nothing and no one to blame; the reality of commitment and the pressure of planning a wedding brings things out into the light for the first time. Love is fickle and out of our control. No matter what the reason, it's unfortunate, and I hope they get the support they need to find resolution.

That said, I personally think that the proposed Sandy postcard campaign is inappropriate.  I'm sure she'd love to know that she is supported and the fans are thinking of her... but if it were me, the last thing I'd want is a daily reminder from a bunch of strangers (no matter how well intentioned).

Together or apart, I hope that the future holds happiness and success for both Jared and Sandy.

jared padalecki, girls are stupid, rl sucks, boys are gross, oh god you devil

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