MiniNaNoWriMo: ficlet 8

Nov 13, 2007 19:24

“This sucks out loud,” Dean moaned.  He shifted in his seat, trying to get more comfortable.

“Could you please not,” Sam muttered, as Dean’s elbow jostled his painfully.

“Sorry,” he replied. A few people walked past, looking at him with amused expressions.  “I just wish these idiots would stop freaking staring at me,” he announced, his voice getting louder with each word.  The last part of the sentence was directed to one man in particular, a rather skinny fellow in shirtsleeves, who swallowed nervously and hightailed it down the hall.

“Maybe they wouldn’t stare at you if you weren’t yelling,” Sam suggested.

“You know, if I could move properly, I’d hurt you right now,” Dean threatened.

“Considering where we are, I don’t think that would be the best idea.”

“Ya think, asshole?”

“That’s funny, you calling me the asshole?” Sam sneered.  “You’re the one who got us into this mess in the first place.”

“You’re supposed to be the smart one,” Dean whined.  “If you knew it was such a bad idea, why didn’t you stop then, huh?”

Sam rolled his eyes and crossed his legs in a huff.  “Like you would have listened to me,” he snorted.  “What are you Sam, as pussy?” he mimicked.  “I dare you, I double dog dare you.”  He shot his brother a dirty look.  “If Dad were alive, he’d be so pissed at you right now.”

“That’s low Sammy,” Dean remarked. “That’s real low.”

“Would you two jokers just shut up!” commanded a stern voice.

The boys fell silent and slouched down in their chairs, defeated.  Much to Sam’s relief, Dean had the sense to determine that now was not the time for one of his anti-authority displays.

“I’m supposed to take you upstairs,” the suit continued, leaning forward to undo the set of cuffs connecting them to the chairs, but not the set that connected them together.  “And no funny business either.”

Sam and Dean shared a look and allowed the man to frog-march them down the hall towards an elevator.  Their escort pressed the up button impatiently.

“Did you know that people tend to wait exactly seven seconds before pressing the button the second time?” asked another voice from behind them.  “Doesn’t make it come any faster you know.”

“Does it look like I care?” their escort responded.

“No need to be so touchy,” the man replied.  “Just trying to be polite, you know what being polite is, don’t you Skippy?”

The boys turned their heads to catch a glimpse of the man speaking, but were instructed to “keep your eyes forward,” by “Skippy.”

“Gentleman, please let’s all act like the adults we are, okay?” a woman’s voiced added.

Just then the elevator doors opened with a chime and the boys were shuffled inside, followed by the other 3.  Once they were properly ensconced in the lift, Dean snuck a look at their company.  A tall man with dark hair, a dark suit and a mischievous twinkle in his eye was the first.  The second was a petite redhead, also dressed in a dark suit, attractive in a ‘I’m so much smarter than you” way.  She surreptitiously glanced at them, while her companion was much more open with his ogling.

“What have we here?” he inquired.

“Their Henriksen’s big fish,” Skippy said, a note of pride in his voice.  “The legendary brothers Winchester.”

“Hmmm,” mused the brunette, giving them an appraising once over.  “I’ll bet old Victor is proud of himself today, huh?”  He nudged the redhead with a smile.  She rolled her eyes in response.

“Is it true?” the man continued.  “All that stuff they say about you?  That you say you didn’t kill all those people?  That you claim you’re fighting the supernatural?  Ghosts and Demons?”

Dean nodded in response, somehow calmed by this agents demeanour.

“Don’t encourage them,” ‘Skippy’ barked.  “Bunch of loonies.  This one has left a trail of violent crimes in his wake,” he pointed towards Dean.  “And this one,” he continued, pointing at Sam, “has helped cover for him, repeatedly.”

“Don’t you think referring to them as Loonies is a bit harsh,” the woman asked.  “Many schizophrenics suffer from religious delusions.  They have visions of angels and demons, telling them things to do.  These hallucinations, are seen and heard by these individuals just as clearly as me standing here, talking to you.”

“Thanks for the lesson Dr,” ‘Skippy’ snorted.  “But these boys ain’t claiming they receive instruction from angels and devils.  They claim that they’re killing ‘em, putting spirits to rest or some shit.  It’s all a crock of shit if you ask me.”

“Who knows, maybe they are telling the truth,” the man offered.  “Who’s to say that such things don’t exist?  Most cultures have some sort of folklore or mythology relating to creatures from the realm of the Supernatural.”

“You would think that, Mr. ‘Aliens are among us’,” ‘Skippy retorted.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors chimed open.  The two agents stepped of first, followed by the Winchesters and then their escort.  Waiting to meet them, a smug grin on his face, was Special Agent Henriksen, and his partner, Agent Reed.

“Sam, Dean,” he smiled.  “Once again, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Sam looked at Dean helplessly as he saw his brother suppress the urge to respond with choice words.

“Oh Dean, don’t look so glum,” Henriksen taunted.  “I’m really hoping that we can get along.  And Sam, I’m disappointed in you.  You were doing so well, keeping your nose clean, and then you get implicated in the disappearance and murder of 7 people?  I guess hanging around with Dean finally rubbed off on you.”

“Don’t talk to my brother like that,” Dean spat.

Henriksen smiled ominously.  “Always the protector Dean, looking out for Sammy since you were what, four?  Did you have to protect you brother from your father too?”

“You don’t know a thing about my father,” Dean growled.  “You don’t know a fucking thing about any of us.”

“Right,” Henriksen practically purred.  “Because if I did, I’d believe that those killings and grave desecrations weren’t your fault.  It was all the work of some monsters in the dark.”

“Let’s just get this over with,” Dean sighed.

Agent Reed stepped forward and guided them into a waiting room.  Henriksen stood in the hall, staring after them, looking like the cat that ate the canary.

“Victor,” the brunette said, catching the other agent’s attention.  “I was wondering, when you’re done with your interrogation, would you mind letting me have a meeting with the boys?  I’d love to get some notes on them for my files.”

Henriksen rolled his eyes, then shrugged.  “I don’t see how it can hurt any,” he replied.  “Please just tell me that you don’t believe any of their ghost-busting crap?”

“We’ll be as impartial and objective with the subjects as we would be in any investigation,” the redhead assured him soberly.

“Thank god one of you has a lick of sense,” Henriksen muttered.  “If he was just him he’d probably be trying to convince the higher-ups to expand his department beyond Aliens, and trying to hire these two clowns to work for him.”

“That wouldn’t be a bad idea,” the man said thoughtfully to his partner.  “They probably have all sorts of theories and insights into some of the things we’ve been looking into.”

“Fox,” the woman responded.  “Don’t you think we get enough flack for our work without adding the chasing the spirit of Grandma Nell to the list?”

“Well Dana, don’t you think it’s just as possible for there to be life-after-death as there is for there to be life on other planets?”



“Tell me you’re not seriously thinking the boys are telling the truth?”

“Why not?”

“Because they’re career criminals, mass murderers, you know as well as I do, the whole ghost thing is just a ploy.”

“Hey, they’re innocent until proven guilty.”

“Granted, maybe they didn’t kill those people.  That doesn’t mean that ghosts did.”

“Always such a skeptic Scully,” he chided.

“Show me some definitive proof, and I’ll consider it,” she replied.  “As it stands, there is way more physical evidence of alien existence than there is of demons.”

“Exactly, that’s why it would be so interesting to talk to these guys, ask them what kind of proof they hope to offer up in their defence.”

“Good lord,” Dana muttered, starting down the hall.

“C’mon Scully, you never know, right?”

“Yes Mulder.  You never know.”

“Because?” he prompted.

“Because the truth is out there,” they said in unison.

Character from a TV Show: the boys rode in the elevator with FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully as played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson on the now defunct “X Files.”

Word count: 1431

x-over, mininanowrimo, fanfic, supernatural

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