Paris Hilton needs to stop being in my dreams

Jun 19, 2006 03:10

Clearly I have been reading too much RPS shit lately, because I am now having wincesty dreams  about Jensen and Jared (mostly Jared, which is weird because I'm a Jensen girl to the very core) and it's freaking me out a little.
Last night, I dreamt I couldn't get my car to start and somehow was relying on Jared for help and he nearly broke the key off in my ignition (what's the symbolism in that?!) and I was kissing jensen and his tongue was so soft, seriously, I must have been smooching the pillow for serious or something and then I was doing jared and I just was getting so close, so close, so close but couldn't goddamn finish.
And Paris Hilton was there, and that was a major turnoff.

I blame the fact that I was watching all these stupid clips from MTV Movie Life or whatever it's called looking for the clip where CMM claims Jared sucks at the reacharound or whatever and that's how Paris got in my head.  (Die bitch.)

But if I wasn't so fucking obsessed with Jensen/Jared/Dean/Sam/RPS/Wincest I wouldn't be reading posts, watching MTV clips and even thinking about Paris.

Sweet baby jesus I need help.

And the worst part? Despite living in Vancouver, it's not like I'm ever going to meet them... and even if I did, it's not like anything would happen anyway... and even if it did, it probably wouldn't involve the three of us at once, so DAMN!  That totally sucks.

jared padalecki, rps, jensen ackles, dreaming is free

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