(no subject)

May 23, 2006 01:51

19 Reasons why I’m starting to like Jared more than Jensen:
  1. He’s a cancer.
  2. He’s a July baby, just like me.  (19th for him, 24th for me.)
  3. He’s tall.  JA is tall, but JP is taller.  Mmm. Sets the mind to imagining all sorts of positions things.
  4. He is so sweet about his girlfriend.  He’s so in love and proud of it.  JA rarely says much about his girl du jour.
  5. Has never confessed to giving a girlfriend a suitcase for Christmas ‘cause he didn’t know what else to get her.
  6. He was a really good student. JA was a jock.
  7. Has never listed the Bible as his favourite book.  (No offence to those who love the bible, but when someone asks you your favourite book, they are generally referring to books read for entertainment.)
  8. Has never dated a playboy model.
  9. He’s flipped a car.  (Just like me.) Then he proceeded to tell the world about how he thought he might have actually been dead, on Ellen, making a fool of himself.
  10. He doesn’t look like he spends more time on his hair than I do.
  11. He once acknowledged that he’s flattered when both girls and guys come up and tell him he’s cute.  Way to not alienate your gay.com fans!
  12. He doesn’t dig Paris Hilton much.  JA has never said anything nice about Paris, but he hasn’t dissed her either.
  13. He kept up with the fast-talking nut cases the Gilmore Girls.
  14. He bucked the trend of not shaving during hiatus.  While the other WB dudes all went scruffy, he kept his baby face smooth as a baby’s bum.  (Note to JA:  Never go more than a goatee.  Unless you’re climing Everest or in the Stanley Cup playoffs.) 

  1. Seems to be genuinely having fun with all the attention.
  2. Said nice things about filming in my hometown Vancouver.  JA just bitched about the weather. (After 3 years, can’t you just get over a little rain and be thankful the show doesn’t shoot in Ottawa where it’s winter for 8 months and really freaking cold.)
  3. His first car was a Charger I believe.  I love American Muscle.
  4. He’s adorkable.
  5. Those dimples.

2 Reasons why I still love Jensen more than Jared;
  1. Dean is way cooler than Sammy will ever be.
  2. Have you seen this dude?

(He even makes dancing like a dork look cute.)

jared padalecki, jensen ackles, supernatural

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