So, I'm not sure exactly where I am, but it appears to be some sort of safari park. There are quite a lot of people there, and guides are dividing us up into smaller groups, then sending us off to wander by ourselves. There are around 7 in mine. One of them is Joel, and there are also a bald professor with very round glasses, and his daughter. Apparently, they're there to study some kind of monkey that's living in the area. Well, at least we're with some people who look like they know what they're doing. We should be okay.
So we all set off. We walk along some sort of trail through the park -- which, now I look at it more closely, is more like a jungle with a few abandoned houses and wooden walkways in it -- for a while. There's a lion skulking about a short distance away, but he doesn't appear particularly interested in us. He's probably got more important things to hunt. Nothing much happens for a while.
Then, just as we're leaving a rickety old house and setting out along one of those walkways, a small orange monkey jumps down from a tree, and starts attacking the professor's daughter. Suddenly, it disappears, and she starts turning into a monkey too! Proper, old-school-bad-werewolf-film* transformation! Shit! The professor explains what's happening, pretty calmly, considering the circumstances. She's been possessed by the spirit of this evil monkey, and is going to turn into a human-sized, man-eating were-monkey monster! About this time, I notice that Joel's gone missing, but I don't have a lot of time to think about it because the were-monkey has started to go berserk and kill people, and I'm rather busy jumping down to ground level and legging it. Just then, the lion that was following us earlier appears from round the side of the building, and this time he looks hungry. Once more, shit!
Those of us that are left, run. And than, all of a sudden, we end up in a grassy enclosure, no evil were-monkeys or lions, everything's fine. I'm relieved to notice that Joel hasn't been eaten by the were-monkey, but is sitting on the grass talking to
my_ghost and
6_underground_ -- so I go over and try to tell them what happened, but they won't believe me. Then, I notice that the were-monkey is lying on the ground a few feet away, looking dead. I decide to go and have a look at it, but as I'm on my way over, it turns into a random guy (whom I don't recognise at the time, but later realise is Eddie One Minute Silence, whom I used to be friends with but haven't spoken to for about 3 years), gets up and walks off.
So what happened to the professor's daughter? Just then, I see them standing outside the railings that are keeping this enclosure separate from the rest of the park, carrying some scientific instruments and wearing eskimo coats. I go over and ask them what happened. They look confused, and say they've just come back from Antarctica, where they've been studying whales. They were going to come on the safari expedition, but decided it wasn't worth their while. When I say that they were on it with us, the professor explains that no, it wasn't them -- it was probably some were-monkeys in disguise.
Curiouser and curiouser. This is all getting a bit much, so I go for a little wander, and find myself in the garden of a country house. Jenn (
hamsterhotep's sister) comes out of the door, carrying a tray of plum jam, and I start telling her about my adventures...
...and then my alarm clock goes off. And I always complain about having really boring dreams! 0_0
*For those of you that don't know, I've got an intense and rather embarrassing fear of all things werewolf-related. I think it comes from reading
these two books when I was very young.
Apart from that... I played a gig on Sunday night. My guitar was out of tune, my vocal cords felt like they were about to snap, there were candles, people said nice things, other people played good things. I can't remember who asked me for them -- it was ages ago -- but I've posted the
lyrics to "Idiotbox" on my MySpace.
I have nothing else even remotely interesting to say. Ho hum.