Baby names

Jul 13, 2011 22:22

Baby names you wonder,
well yes thats right I am pregnant

Nothing could have come at the worse time but is joyful...

Me and M have taken a break from each other!
its hard, and lonley but at the same times its so refreshing and relaxing lol
and allas, I get preg when I am not even trying.. and we wanted it for so long!!!

How were I going to tell my friends, how were they going to judge me?
the judgements came quick and fast.. all of them couldnt have judged my situation more then myself...
I didnt want to be another single mother with kids to diffrent fathers.. thats not me, thats not who I want to be but if I NEED to be then I wil..

I think that I could have acomplished more in my life, all my friends are married living with husbands, having kids, buying homes.
I am ,,, well, non of the above.....

:( Kinda depressing right. why would anyone want a low life friend like me?
I ask my self that question every single day.. :am I worthy of friendship:
:do I need to move and find friends more along my lines of lifestyle?:

anyways wow Im sooo of track... thats what I get for not blogging in here as often as I should.. but who has time.. I dont have time to clean my house.
wait I do.. but I choose to let it lag..

now about this baby.... I lost one last year, etopic.
one friend lost one this year.. :(
One friend is trying her heart out to have a baby, is on drugs to help that along..
another one just had a baby..
and Im pregnant again..

I just want a family, I want to get married, buy a house, have a nice car.........
Im so jelous of all my fantastic friends who have done so well with their lifes..
im stuck, in a huge loophole, shitty car, tiny poxy home, preg with two kids, no job and a man who thinks im a big fat slut 40% of the time..
How did I get here?????
I wanted a baby sooooo bad.... sooo bad.
I still want it, but this situation needs to change aSAP!!!
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