Feb 16, 2011 18:13
well I'm not sure what to do, what you say seems so easy but it isn't :( SUCKS
He came home this arvo with all new clothes, socks, undies and shirts
something we cannot afford atm. (which I know its because he reckoned he had no clothes (but when u kick them all under the bed ) how am I meant to find them)
I am betting he spent money he shouldn't not have and now we are all going to suffer!
He came in the room telling me how things were going to be for this to work, I felt like a child crying in the corner!
I didn't say anything, he took off to the pub and I stayed on the bed, hyperventilating :(
DD came in and gave me hugs, got me a teddy and told me to lay down. OMG my lil girl.
I love her so much!
I told him if he ever did this again I was not going to hold on.. and I really dunno what to do
I love this man so much but he accuses me of "being" with all my male friends almost.
I have never defended myself so much,
I don't know what to do, I wanna right now leave.
I don't have the energy to pack everything up and leave. My lease is up soon.
I would need to move into a dodgy unit to even be able to afford anything on my own.
gosh I wish I didn't leave C ave.