There is madness going on at NR, madness I tell ya!!!

May 05, 2009 16:28

I am on the Nova Roma Yahoo email list and I just witnessed some of the rudest infighting that I have ever seen.......and that is saying a lot. Want to hazard a guess as to why the Religio Romana isn't taken as seriously as some of the other ancient religions? If all that people see is the mess that is Nova Roma then no wonder. I sure as hell don't want to be a part of that. It's like people arguing constantly about the smallest things. That is a shame. The website actually has a lot of good reference information and I am sure that not everybody there is happy with how things there are turning out. Turn away from the sacred cow....turn away from the sacred cow!  ;-)

I did some bellydancing exercising right after work and I am tired as heck. UGH!!!!!!
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