Title: Perfection
antipholus_Rating: PG
Warnings: Hmm … none.
Pairing: Claire/Kate
Disclaimer: Not mine in any way
The idea of perfection had always been elusive to Kate. She knew it was impossible for anyone, especially her, to have a life with no deficiencies, a life that was flawless, but it didn’t stop her from dreaming about it. She learned early on in life that her imagination was the only place she would be able to attain that ideal of perfection and since that realization she hadn’t stopped dreaming about it. She dreamed about having a family like the ones she saw on TV. She wanted a mother and father who loved and respected each other, not a mother who brought home dead-beat boyfriends and a father off on some military mission in God knows where. She imagined having a boyfriend who bought her cheesy cards and flowers for no reason, a boyfriend who had Prince Charming-like manners. Her life had been filled with disappointments when it came to relationships, whether it be dating a bank robber or having an affair with a married man and all she wanted was a storybook romance. She dreamed about having some high-power job, like a lawyer or a doctor, where she was respected. Continually being on the run from the cops was never in her daydreams. She fantasized about living the suburban life, with a husband and kids in a house with a white picket fence. That normality that everyone else seemed to have was what she wanted the most.
The last thing that Kate ever expected to find on the island was perfection. It was filled with anger, pain, and sorrow. The people that shared the island with her had their own battles to struggle and although they had shared the bare basics of their lives with each other, everyone was absorbed in their own world, their own problems. Loneliness was something Kate had become very familiar with but after they crashed, it engulfed her. She desperately wanted to connect with someone, anyone, just to ease the isolation that had invaded her soul. While she searched for that person she came across the one thing she had been searching for since she heard her mother screaming at her father when she was five.
Claire was perfect. She definitely wasn’t a boy, this wasn’t the setting for a storybook romance, and the island was about the furthest thing from suburban life but Claire was flawless in Kate’s eyes. She didn’t have a high powered job (the Fish N’ Fry didn’t offer much in terms of career advancements) and Kate was pretty sure that they would never live in a cute little house with a white picket fence but those dreams lost their allure when Claire wasn’t in them. She had an innocent glow that radiated from her soul but there was nothing innocent about the way she would look at Kate at night, when they knew everyone else was sleeping. She was the kindest person Kate knew and everyone truly enjoyed being in her company. She was a wonderful mother even though she didn’t believe that. When she laughed Kate would feel something deep in her stomach that Hallmark would never be able to describe. She had a way of moving her tongue ever so gently against Kate’s that Kate felt it all the way to her toes. When Claire wrapped her arms around her, everything that was bothering just evaporated. Claire being with her was absolute bliss and Kate didn’t have to dream about perfection anymore.