Mar 28, 2005 23:39
it has been a long time since i've updated. well, a long time for me at least. i didn't do much during spring break except work. one promotions job has left me with oodles of pantene samples, which i have been handing out left and right at school in hopes to get rid of the mass shampoo and conditioner i have now. the excitment of my break was getting drinks with aimee on st. patty's day and spending a night at zach's house. (i convinced him to go to amherst to get wings for dinner. mmm) i finished reading hillary clinton's autobiography and i liked it a lot. the ending focused too much on her campaign ideas and promises but the first part was so interesting to read. i never knew she did so much in her life, with some of the coolest political happenings even before she met bill.
i almost dropped my detective fiction class last week. my professor decided to assign about 80 stories to be read and answer 4 pages of questions per story, causing me to panic and not want to do it. i still haven't gotten it all done and he has more stories assigned each week through the end of the semester, but i decided to keep with it (at least for now) and see how it works out.
my internship advisor wants me to interview at the boston phoenix so hopefully i'll be there in the fall. the last intern who was there had an average of 3 pictures/stories published a week which would be a cool opportunity to have and would build a better portfolio. i have to call and set up the interview soon.
i had a phone interview today with a company that does sports photography for kid's teams around mass and it went really well. so well in fact, he hired me on the spot and my training starts saturday. it'll run through mid june and then again from november to january. i am a little hesitant to be dealing so much with kids as my first real photo job, but again, it'll look good to add to my portfolio/resume. and it kinda sucks to be losing my last weekends at school, but i am excited about the job. i'm hoping it'll go really well and lead to bigger and better things. :-)
and that's about it i guess.