(no subject)

Nov 16, 2008 02:14

It's been too long since I've posted here. I miss you LJ.

Consider this a.... life update, I guess.

First off, theatre. Current production - "The Odd Couple - Female Version". I'm stage manager. It's supposed to be a position of authority, director's right-hand-man, etc. With me, though, it's more "take notes, get information out, call cues". Even the director is leaving me out of the loop. If I liked stage managing, this production would make me hate it. But since I already don't like it (would much rather act - does that make me a diva? I hope not.), it's not too big a deal.

Just a week to go, and then one more gala performance on Dec. 5th. "Cabaret" auditions are coming up, I can't wait. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than the role of "Emcee", though I'd be content with any role.

Designing props for "Circus Olympus" and stage managing "The Odd Couple" means I'm going to Texas in the spring semester. Corinne, you should come visit me while I'm there! :D I'll have to put together a design board for both my props design and my stage management design. Although stage management isn't really a "design", per se, it's more of a show of how efficient you are. Eh. Free ticket to Texas, not complaining.

Personal life, I'm a mess. I really, really, really need to do laundry, but have not had the time at all due to theatre activities. I have lots of Script Analysis and Stage Management (the class) work to do, but don't really have the time for that either. My room is a mess, I need to clean it. I'm broke; don't actively require money right now (as in, no outstanding bills/checks/debts), but being broke is never a good thing, and I don't get paid until Dec. 8th. Meaning I won't be able to buy my Secret Santa gift until at least then (I'd ask for ideas, but as the person I got is a friend of mine here on LJ, I can't).

I have a group of friends now! Of course, with me, there's always behind the scenes drama. I'm happy to report that I am officially bisexual (as in, not exclusively attracted to guys); in this group of friends I have, there's this girl I really like. Unfortunately, also in this group is the first, best friend I ever made at college (and who, thank god, I am not attracted to in the slightest). And he and this girl really like each other (like, they're about an inch away from being "official"). They're always cuddling and tickling each other, she's gone out to eat with him and his mom (!), etc. I know I'm jealous. I know that. I also know that I won't do a thing to jeopardize what they have; they're much too nice of people for me to want to break them apart. And they both like me as a friend. I'm not jeopardizing that.

The thing is, I think I'm more jealous of the fact that those two found each other, than I am that she likes him and not me. They're just so comfortable together... I've never had that. 19 years old and never had a serious relationship, what's wrong with me.

A guy is still talking to me over Facebook, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not really interested in him. This is good; the other girl I like hates his guts (and to be honest, I can sympathize a bit; he's a bit of a chauvinist diva). Speaking of the girl, she's more friendly towards me, but otherwise no progress has been made on that front.

We recently had a new theatre major join us. He's quite flamboyant. No one likes him. He badmouths people to make himself look good, he's always trashtalking about how he could do so much better because he's been in community theatre (HA! Not that there's one thing wrong with communtiy theatre, but.... HA!) He's the costume assistant right now, and has talked to numerous people about how the costumes for the play aren't the right time period, or the right style, or the right color, etc etc. Now, coming from an actor, a bit of that is understandable. But when you're the assistant, you do NOT badmouth the designer you work under. It's beyond rude. I've been told that a couple of the guys in the theatre department have much more respect for me now that they have this guy to deal with (although I wasn't aware I was being disrespected.... *sigh*).

So that's my life in a nutshell. My relationships with the guys on my floor are distant, but good. They know my name, at least, and I've played Halo with them a couple times, so all is good. I just wish I wasn't such a mess.

Ah well. After the play is Thanksgiving break, I should be able to clean up my act over that.

romance sucks, life, theatre, guys and gals, drunk floor mates, update

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