Oct 25, 2010 13:10
Yep. For the guy that promises not to change anything. Un fucking believable that that is the best I, we, they can do. Or maybe it is depressingly believable. But I did it.
I have skipped voting in the past, and I have at times regretted when I did vote. That time I went into a trance and voted for the Zionist investment banker because he was with the NDP nearly ruined me for voting permanently. But I find the alternatives repugnant enough this time that I felt moved to go on record as having an alternative preference. Even if said alternative actually promised that if I elected him mayor, then he would learn how to ride a bicycle.
I also voted for a friend of a friend for local councillor and for the name I recognized as trustee because when I was doing my research I neglected to observe that school board wards don't correspond to council wards.
I promise not to shit on anyone who voted for Smitherman to keep Ford out, although anyone who actually voted for him on principle is obviously living in some other DC universe. And I promise not to blame anyone who voted marginal or skipped the whole farcical exercise for what happens next, which is going to be ugly no matter what. People sure do get tiresome around elections with their moralizing pronunciations about why only their philosophy of electoral righteousness is worthy of consideration. That all sounds an awful lot like fear to me. Not that there's nothing to be afraid of, far from it, but I sure wish people would stop mistaking every third lamp post for Judas.
Now, back to real life, a/k/a movies.