This watching 20 movies a week thing is starting to resemble work! It's also starting to resemble an unrealistic target...I was at it all fucking day today with breaks and I only got 3 watched. It's really hard to type non-stop for that long, plus I add about a third again of each running time to rewind for transcription sake. So I go have baths, or read, or, sigh, kill time on the web, as I was supposed to not be doing!!
But I am compelled by my good fortune in the grant department and my urgent desire to GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY to at least try to hit my targets (that is, 20 movies/week for the next 12 weeks, minus 2 weeks for Galapagos and a possible second annual Florida excursion with Suie).
And of course the shitty movies are the long ones! All you "Red Dawn" fans probably love Iron Eagle, right? I actually enjoyed it a bit despite it being, you know, neurotic fascist trash. It's so ridiculous, and the whole thing is predicated on massive US military security breach by the kid, and anyway I liked Lou Gossett. Maybe my standards are being lowered by all these Eric Till comedies. Two more I's tomorrow and then it's on to the J's - and yes I will be putting in an appearance at the St. Catharaines Prorogue schlamozzle. I might even walk there. This city is ridiculously diffuse but it's supposed to be a nice day plus I need the exercise real bad. Bed-couch-kitchen-bath-repeat. If anyone tries to start a chant of "Yes We Can-a-da" however, I'm leaving immediately.
Still reeling over the grant. So good to have my attention focused. Less time for angst, although I'm still not exactly high on the hog. I wish my friends would stop telling me what they earn annually - I just hit 10 grand for the year and I'm like, whoo hoo I've hit the big time. But at least I'm broke on MY money now instead of my mom's, a heartening trend.
Also, reading a pretty great book called "Who Killed The Jingle?" by Steve Karmen - the guy who wrote "I Love New York", "Weekends Were Made For Michelob", "Hershey Is The Great American Chocolate Bar", etc. It has its fogey tendencies - not only does he bemoan the loss of traditional American values (like advertising jingles) but he talks about researching something over the phone "before we had Goggle", spelling in original. But he also dishes the dirt. Did you know that jingle writers used to go in the studio and pretend to be singing with the jingle jobbers because the singers were the only ones who got royalties? Fascinating window on showbiz. Plus he got his start writing nudie-cutie soundtracks.
Finally, my birthday is coming up in March so please buy me one of