Omg, OMG! I actually LIKED that episode XDDDDDD No seriously, I actually.liked.that.episode. 0_0 I know, it's weird. I mean it was basically Chronicle (but with werewolves), and they stole the dialogue from the once scene verbatim from Thor (only, sorry Brian, you are no where near as attractive as Tom Hiddleston, nor do you have the FEELS),and, IDK, maybe SOMEDAY we will have a brilliant, underestimated, self-loathing nerd character who doesn't die or go mental in one of these things, but at the moment I am willing to over look all that and am perfectly content to maintain my endorphin high. And yes, I know it is sad to say that my favorite episode this season has been the one with the least amount of Sam & Dean, but, but what little there was of them was GOLDEN! There it is! There's my long-lost, deeply mourned dynamic XD And all it took was a little Outside POV and some sketchy highly legally dubious voyeuristic camcorder footage to reignite my love affair with Sam & Dean's love affair with each other! Office-romance indeed *snicker*. But seriously, I can not describe how ecstatic I am to finally, FINALLY not come off an episode completely depressed and enraged. Relief. It is a sweet, sweet thing.
Also, this episode managed to redeem "Heart" from season 2 (is this meaningful character growth *gasp*) which is an episode I loooooaaaaaattthhhhhh, for the exact reasons that Katie brings up in her final monologue i.e. you can't punish people for choices they did not make or did not have any control over, and there is always another option, it might be a hard, tight-rope thin option but it is there and it is the affected person's choice to make. I guess by that same token it also backtracks over "Metamorphosis" in season 4 -_-' Anyway, can I get an AMEN for having a female character with some compelling and effective agency?
But on that note, did anyone else interpret the whole non-con werewolving and the subsequent (very progressive for the horror genre show) "not my choice, MY choice is..." monologue in the context of the current Women's Health/Right to personal liberty and happiness/RAPE IS RAPE/Stay the Hell out of my uterus crisis? (Show would fall firmly in the pro-choice category)Or was that just me? Lol, vagina dentata indeed ;)
Also, "Rocky the Racoon"!!!! Patience Squirrel, I will have that fanart up soon...Mwahahaha. Also, is it bad that this sudden burst of Winchester old timey buttloving on screen kinda makes me want to add in a p0rn category of SPN does Rocky & Bullwinkle? Or is that crossing a line that shouldn't be touched? (Guys? Is that crossing a line of "NO"??)
Anyway, I shall sleep tonight! Take that Show! This week you have failed to turn me into a raving, angsting wreck of sleep-deprived misery!