Animus App

Sep 06, 2011 16:02

Heresy is like a tree, its roots lie in the darkness whilst its leaves wave in the sun and to those who suspect nought it has an attractive and pleasing appearance. Truly, you can prune away its branches, or even cut the tree to the ground, but it will grow up again ever the stronger and ever more comely. Yet all awhile the root grows thick and black, gnawing at the bitter soil, drawing its nourishment from the darkness, and growing even greater and more deeply entrenched.

Player Information

Name: Kay
Personal LJ: biodisaster
Age: 21
Contact Info: brolocaust (AIM)
Other Characters Played: Karkat Vantas (AU)

Character Information

Character Name: Her Imperious Condescension (The Condesce)
Character Series: Homestuck
Character Gender: Female
Alternate Universe
Canon Point: When her connection with Gl'bgolyb is lost and the Vast Glub begins to take place
Background Link: Over thurrr

AU Background:

Everything is essentially in that link, but I will sum it up a little better.

The Condesce is the ruler of Alternia, the troll with the highest of blood on the hemospectrum. She shares a psychic connection with the great terror Gl'bgolyb, who's voice is able to reach such a pitch that it would kill every last living creature on Alternia. As Condesce, it is her job to keep Alternia functioning and to keep Gl'bgolyb silent.

However, The Condesce used the great beast's voice as a threat to all who spoke against her or the hemospectrum. With it, she grew powerhungry, thrilled with the thought of people fearing and/or loving her for the sort of power she commanded. It wasn't long before her very title was uttered with fear amongst lowbloods and highbloods alike.

Small rebellions amongst the lowbloods began, most were ignored thanks to heavy mental conditioning that eventually broke the rebellions down into dust. The two rebellions of note that caused the Condesce to take action were the Rebellion lead by a mutant blood known as The Signless and the Second Rebellion later lead by a follower of his teachings, known as The Summoner. Both were halted with no damage to the Condesce herself.

The Condesce has been traveling the stars in her starship, visiting various planets in the same galaxy that Alternia rests in, conquering them and ensuring they bow down to her. Both rebellions on Alternia have already happened and the Signless has perished. Psiioniic is still in her possession as the Helmsman of her ship. She's begun pushing the limits of her connection, going slightly mad with power until she feels the last threads of her connection with Gl'bgolyb begin to snap. She is taken into the Tower IMMEDIATELY following this, before she even begins her journey back.


Her name pretty much says it all. The Condesce is a Grade A tyrant, ruler of Alternia and all galaxies therein. She is powerhungry, ruthless, and cares very little for anyone who disagrees with her or stands in her way. Her word is absolute law, and she is not at all hesitant to punish those who speak against her. The Condesce paints herself much as a goddess and believes very much in survival of the fittest. If you aren't strong enough to defend yourself, then you're better off dead.

Despite all of that, the Condesce does have a heart hidden under her thick skin, though it takes quite a bit of digging to find it. She is not a woman of impracticality, and so if she find someone or something that may be useful to her in some way, then she will defend them to a point. If she feels that her resources are being wasted, then the victim in question will be left to their fate and she will move on. She is pragmatic in terms of diplomacy, but once her terms are laid down, they are law. Those who don't oblige are disposed of.

In spite of her power, the Condesce is also very much a blowfish when it comes to threatening others. She gives off domineering aura, though without her lusus in animus, she will have a very hard time threatening mass extinction. That isn't to say she couldn't put up a fight, but she relied very much on that threat to get her point across most of the time. The Condesce is easily one of the strongest trolls out there physically and mentally, though she prefers wit over exerting physical prowess.

Essentially, she was made to be the kind of monster she is, and is utterly incapable of seeing what she does as anything wrong. She does not wish ill on her race, rather she wishes them to be the top predator and the most advanced of all living races.


It is said in the comic that the Condesce's touch has the ability to extend life (though not restore it). She also had a very strong psychic link with Gl'bgolyb that spanned at a great distance, hinting at some telepathic abilities.

Sample Entry: GLUB DIS WAY
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