Newsletter #141

May 25, 2009 21:51


We're looking for volunteers to help compile & update entries for the newsletter.
If you're interested, please check out this entry.

+ The Dead Bolt: Kristen Stewart and the Twilight Balance of Feminine and Feminist in New Moon
+ Chris Weitz spotted in Montepulciano, Italy
+ Extra's Perspective: Lots of inside scoop!

Discussion & Community Activities:

klassisa wrote Roundabout, Turnabout (6/?) [ NC-17 | AU/AH ]
island_surfer13 wrote Nobody Puts Baby In a Corner (2/?) [ M | AU-AH ]
tiffbella wrote Carousel (1/?) [ M | AU-AH ]
callistolexx wrote Blame it On the Cuervo (14/?) [ NC-17 | AU-AH ]
gangsterdorothy wrote Burning the Edges (18/?) [ M | AU-AH ]
givinglove29 wrote The Inspiration (5/?) [ M | AU-AH ]
perpersuasion wrote Before Her Last Breath (9/?) [ M | AU ]

sporadicia made some icons
naty_oreiro made some icons
wanxita made some icons
siobneedsavolvo made some icons
siobneedsavolvo made some icons
siobneedsavolvo made some icons
ballerinapattz created some wallpapers
the_wonderkind created some Bella manips
sparknatural created some banners & icons
whoremosexual made some icons
suzyx made some icons
scarymissmady made some icons
faabyh made some icons
chelsea_hale created a Bella manip
bre2004 created some wallpapers
mayhemonte created some E/B manips
annieohhhhyes made some icons
naty_oreiro created some wallpapers

nami86 posted a multi-fandom friending meme
chelsea_hale created an instrumental New Moon fanmix
carribbeanlady created a New Moon fanvid
ritabites created an E/B fanmix
dominoesrising created a New Moon fanvid

This is not everything in fandom. If you think something has been missed, please reply here and it will be included with the next update.
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