
Jul 30, 2008 16:23

It's his birthday!!! Our favorite Herbology Professor... At least, I believe that's what he's doing now. It's been eleven years since the last battle with Voldemort.

I know, wrong fandom, what with Breaking Dawn being so FRIGGIN close. My palms are sweaty, I'm ready to trample some teeny-boppers to get my book. This is going to be intense!!!

Hahaha, not really. I'm just kidding. But Donna and I are gearing up for the midnight party. Chase and I were talking about it earlier at the 'Bean during his break.

What Really Happened

I hate that I’m so… aware of this kid. Donna’s starting to make fun of me, saying that I might like that he bugs me every time I’m at the ‘Bean. Possibly, but be reasonable, he’s just really bored. There isn’t all that much business at the ‘Bean during the day. I’m the only one here during the day. Maybe I need to get a life.

Today, I was almost excited when the chair next to me scraped across the floor. Then a beat up paperback copy of Twilight landed in front of me. I had to laugh. There were peices of paper that marked several pages.

“What?” he asked me, smiling.

“I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say that your girlfriend made you read the book?”

“Close. An ex-girlfriend.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Recent?”

“Nah, old news. I liked the book well enough not to burn it… or give it back.”

The book actually looked worn, but my reasoning reminded me that the book had only been in paperback for less than a year. Or whenever Eclipse came out. I pointed this out to him.

“An ex is always old news for me,” he leaned back to stretch in his chair. And, I’m sorry to say that I sneaked a peek. It wasn’t exciting. He’s not ripped or anything. (Nor did he sparkle in the light of the setting sun.) But still… okay, right, looking is creepy.

I diverted my attention to the book. “Looks like she loved the book, too.”

“No, she only forced it upon every single one of her friends and me. She probably did read it several times, but this little old thing,” he picked it up, “it was her lend-out copy. She has a hardcover that she has on her person twenty-four-seven.”

“And you were the last one to get it. What’s with the post-its?”

“I like taking note when I read, as nerdy as that is. Especially since everyone loves these specific parts so much. Well, those didn’t really get me. I can see why a girl would like it, but I’m totally curious about Carlisle’s background. Three hundred years. What a life he led and we have no idea what else he did with it other than pick up kids in the last hundred years.”

I hate to say it, I was impressed. “I wish she would write a little more on that, too.”

“Seems we have a little more in common than a love of coffee, 'C Thomas',” he chuckled.

“Oh, God, just call me Nina, you oaf. My name’s Caroline,” I closed my laptop so I could actually concentrate on whatever else this kid had to say...

what really happened, thirteen

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