Jacob’s rather wonderful to a point, but New Moon is still a pain in the ass to read. The first few chapters, I was angry at Bella and Edward, but very intrigued with the Wolf Tribe. Suspected wolves when Bella heard "snuffling sounds" from her little let-me-die-position in the rainy forest. Having just read Blood and Chocolate, this was exciting...
At that point, I was very disappointed that Jacob wasn't a wolf (quite yet). But I liked the motorcycles and the fun. I was a little afraid of the cliff diving, but I knew she'd get the balls to do it eventually. The scene where he climbs through the window, though... I thought it was cheesy -- if I was smart enough to conclude wolves, and Bella was smart enough to conclude vampires in Twilight, we didn't have to have this scene.
I like New Moon, or major moments in it, but I really think there's very little plot going on. There's more of Bella establishing who she is without Edward, Jacob growing up and making his own choices in life-- rash as they may be, and Edward realizing just how stupid his emo-i-hate-myself attitude is. Very little plot. The Volturri were thrown in to make up for this, and for Stephenie Meyer to convince us that bad vampires do exist in her perfect little world.
Jacob is actually loveable in New Moon. He wants to fix Bella, make her happy, he loves her. But I need a puke bucket to read a couple chapters of Eclipse. As much as I love Jacob, it's safe to say that with the way Steph is writing, Bella is going to be with Edward in life or death. When Jake decided to pay more attention to his dick instead of Bella's words, I got pretty peeved off at him. I felt that their kisses and Bella's thoughts about the little log cabin and her Quiluete children were there to satisfy the puppy-fan masses.
Don't get me wrong. I love the wolves, and I think Sam and Emily's story is one of my favorite unexplored parts of Stephenie's Twilight universe. I think it's more of my annoyance at the teams. Just because I ship Ed/Bella doesn't mean I'll join his team. Edward's not my type. Hott, but not my type.
What I really, really want to see in Breaking Dawn is Seth. Seth is the only wolf that will actually touch a vampire. At the end of the battle in the glade, when Edward is burning the bodies of Victoria and Riley (?), Seth puts his nose to Edward's hand, like a dog does to someone he trusts. Granted, Seth's not rolling over and exposing his belly to Ed -- the most major sign of canine trust, but this one little moment may define a whole new world for both species, a potential at coexisting.
Gotta say, out of the two sequels, I liked Eclipse better. Sometimes I wish it was told in third person, so that all points of view can be seen. There's so much I think we missed.
What Really Happened
Today, I gave myself three choices: write in my journal, read Crime and Punishment or read Eclipse. I picked choice C. Having read it already and my hate for the beginning of books in general, I skipped to the middle and read for an hour.
When I laughed out loud at something, my reading bubble was popped by a question. Simple enough, but it irked me all the while.
“What part are you at?”
Being quite stiff from sitting so long and actually starved enough of conversation to be willing to talk, I stood up to stretch a bit and speak to the boy with the dish towel.
“I’m at, grawr, another of Jacob’s stupid antics.”
Chase nodded, “I take it that you’re not quite the Jacob fan, either.”
“You’re a good guesser,” I said.
“The powers of deduction, a wonderful gift to walk away with after high school,” he smiled.
“You liked math?”
“No, I liked logic. It works in all subjects, especially Lit.”
I guessed he was a bookworm, but he quickly turned the subject. “Is it possible for Jacob Black to exist? You’re so vehemently against Cullen, what about wolf-boy? I need to know my competition.”
I had to laugh. “Right, well, Jacob can exist, but again, I think girls are totally looking for the external qualities that are probably not easy to find.”
“External qualities? Our dashing good looks,” he struck a pose, complete with goofy facial expressions. I observed that he wasn’t more than a few inches taller than me. Definitely not an Edward or Emmett or Jasper. I’m five-two. He relaxed and continued, “But what makes him different from Edward?”
“It’s easier to find a jackass than to find the proper and boring gentleman that is Edward."
"Really?" he said.
I glared at his interuption, then continued, "Prudes like Edward are always looked over by the masses. They tend to be awkward more than handsome, and their backwards manners come off as cheesy. Because the female sex drive has been allowed to be activated way earlier than before, like when Edward was a teenager, girls look for fun times, too."
"Sex is good," he stated, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth.
"You can’t get sex from a complete Edward. Edward's out to protect his virtue, right? The guy's sexy, yes, but he hasn't gotten or given any for almost a hundred years.”
I had to take a deep breath after my rant.
“You talk a lot," he laughed. "Don't worry, Bella’ll get a fun time out of Edward soon enough.”
“I hope that’s not a promise,” I said as I turned to sit back down.
The bell in the door rang as a customer entered, "Um," they asked shyly, "is there anyone... ?"
"I'll be right there, ma'am," Chase sighed.
“Would you mind making an iced latte for me, too?”
“That and more, my dear Bella.”
I had to admit, my own coffee making Edward was quite handy. I pondered actually putting in a tip today. Yummy coffee.