Apr 06, 2009 09:27
I was going to answer the Writer's Block for today but my I went crazy thinking of all the possibilities so I decided to just leave it alone lol.
Went to the USS Midway last night with Marcus, Mario and Laura. Lot's of fun. That's where I should have taken Rachael while she was here!
Have the day off so I'm just hanging out. Always fun.I'll probably sit around the house all day in my sweats and read Breaking Dawn. It's been a while since I read the series so I'm just making my way through again. It only takes a week anyway. Then it's back to the library! Hopefully they'll have a copy of The Jungle Books this time because I want to read. I'm making my way through all the stories Disney changed and classics that everyone has read but for some reason I haven't. Like who hasn't read A Tale of Two Cities? I haven't! I'm quite partial to Great Expectations though. Whatever.
Useless Fact #14:
Water exists on the sun. Studies by an international team of scientists recorded evidence of water, in the form of vapor or steam in the sun's dark sunspots. At a mere 4,760F - 5,300F, the darkest part of a sunspot is one of the coolest areas of the sun's surface. At temperatures higher than 8,540F, water becomes unstable and splits into oxygen and hydrogen.