butter side down

Feb 23, 2007 23:00

It seems like a natural thing to want one's children to grow up in a path similar to one's own. My negative slant on this however comes when a parent starts to impress tendencies of pessimism, hypochondria and certiain other "socially mild" psychoses however inadvertant they may be (or not).

Society is screwed up enough as it is with external prejudices, iconolatry, general untruths and high budget advertising to preemptively sabotage one's own children in the home before they even have a chance to go out and experience the world with an open mind.

Funny though, driving today I was listening to Science Friday on NPR and the topic was the now infamous "intelligent design" issue. It makes me grin and giggle to see the paralells between my experiences with a somewhat non-religious albeit still christian single mother and any number of bloated zealots arguing intelligent design.

There's got to be a "zen of Spinal Tap" out ther somewhere.... there are a great number of things in my life that I wish I could make "go to 11" both postitive and negatively positive that I don't know where to begin.
Keeping drama at arm's length just doesn't seem to be enough anymore... I need, at this moment, an arm that goes to 11 to keep the drama at bay. Several reasons: *)drama close to me is drama close to my friends. We don't need that shit! *)I've got enough current drama with plenty more knocking at the door every day, I don't need crap resurfacing from three years ago to re-contend with thakyouverymuch. *)spin the karma wheel for yourself, dont' feel you need to give it a whirl for others. *)If you want to gamble, go to a casino, don't, for our sakes, gamble with the golden, threefold, sevenfold etc. rule.

ok, I'm sufficiently vented for now.
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