Jun 03, 2010 22:50
These segments of the Daily show are usually meant to be gently mocking and usually the interviewee is faced with a difficult situation, increased visibility and sympathy at the cost of some professional embarrassment. How different it is when professional embarrassment isn't that big a factor anymore.
It's strange, while I defended Larry Craig during his troubles I never thought that highly of him. And lets just not mention my thoughts on Evan Bayh while he wasn't retiring from the senate. But after this, I think it's hard not to feel some sympathy for them. I certainly liked them a lot more, even after knowing them as long as I did.
Politics is a strange beast that asks a lot from those that participate, and if you rise to the level of federal, especially senatorial office, it asks so much more. One thing it asks is that almost all humanity is stripped from your public appearances. I believe both of them when they say that they're not sorry to have left the senate. Because for how much you gain as a senator, and you gain so much, you pay as much as well. Both Bayh and Craig did fine in this interview, not because they weren't on their guard(old habits die hard), but because they had the freedom be more human then they've been in years. Good for them. What a relief it must be.